It is never ever silly to ask questions when your sick. One doctor told me that some doctors will be rude when you ask questions that they can not answer, because they do not want you to know that they don't know. But it sounds to me like you have very caring doctors trying to figure out what is wrong with you. I do not know what M.E. is, are you sure it's not M.S.. I was tested for that too. Had the needle nerve testing done, as well as, two spinal taps. Had several EEG tests, and boy do I hate those with the wires attached to my head and all the goop to fasten them there. Then either carrying a box around over night or laying on a stretcher watching my brain waves on a screen. All these tests do help diagnosis most conditions. But the bills can add up while we hopefully wait for the answer that explains everything. Do not ever consider yourself a hypochondria on this forum. I think it's fair to say we all feel that way sometimes, but know in our hearts that the truth is we are scared to face the days ahead not knowing what is wrong.