All In MY Head?

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You know... I know it's frustrating as all get out to be told "It's all in your head" but it's occurred to me after looking for a therapist for my depression, that there are plenty of counselors/therapists/psychologist who actually DO deal with fibromyalgia and/or pain management. I have to wonder if it wouldn't be useful to go to such a therapist just to have them tell your doctors that it is NOT all in your head! If nothing else you'd have someone to vent to, and who could help with the depression and anxiety we also tend towards. Turn the tables, so to speak!
But (with tongue in cheek) it really is to some degree in our head. Let's face it we all have something wrong with our brains if we have this or similar illnesses. Our brains can't read the signals right. It's misfiring. If we're a car they'd take out the engine and get a new one... or in my case just send me to the scrappers!
:mad: When I first started having problems with this I could not for the life of me figure out what was wrong, all I knew was that I was hurting so bad I could not stand it. I was having to go back and forth to the dr. and finally one dr. asked me had I been tested for lupus and fibro. I told him I didn't even know what that was. He started testing me that minute and the SLE came back positive and I was also told I was in a major flare up with fibro and SLE at the same time. But for years, I felt like I was loosing my mind because they would not believe me about how bad I hurt. Now everyone believes it. Luckily for me, I have learned to manage both without having to take any meds for them and I am doing great. I have a lot of muscle tenderness after an all day in the yard or garden but I know how to handle it now. I hope you are ok and find the help you need. DO not give up. You can find lots of help here I am almost sure.
I was very insulted one day, on a trip. This one doctor began to ask my mother if I was on drugs and ordered a drug test for me. I mean, really. I never even smoked a cigarette in my life. Then, as I described in previous posts, I got lucky. Our neighborhood doctor dealt only with patients like myself. I credit him for a huge part in healing me. He used immunotherapy, worked on the 'gut' as well as food rotation and sensitivities. One of the biggest factors, he found, was that most of his patients were allergic to molds. Even the most tiniest mold allergy could bring them down, that is how sensitive they were.

I remember one day, he was very excited. he said that he had just saved a marriage. a woman had called, because her husband was going to divorce her (I'd have left him anyway), because she said he thought she was crazy and lieing (Like I said, he sounds a jerk). But the Doctor went and talked to the guy. He often dealt with family members who did not believe that it was real. It was common place for him to do so. Don't worry, there are so many of us out there who lived through it, we know the nightmare, the exhaustion and the pain. You are not alone. It's not in your head or any other sufferers.
Wanted to thank you for the info you have provided about molds and allergies. I suffer with many and it gets to a point of being allergic to most everything. I am allergic to the medications used to treat fibro and even the medications used for many medical tests. I had a very bad reaction to a medication one time back in 2005, and had steven-johnson syndrome. So now I have to be very careful what meds I use and even foods I eat.
So your information is worthwhile to help others on this site.

I have met so many rude doctors in my time before and after my diagnosis that it makes me want to avoid most all of them. I have a good family doctor now that helps me all he can. And I have even met a few that think herbal meds are okay to use as well. We have to keep the good ones and leave the bad ones behind, so we can remain sane. lol :)
You are welcome 1sweed, I know what sufferers are going through, I got it in 1995 and it took about ten years. If you have the ability, have you thought about immunotherapy? That is when you get a scratch test and then you find out what molds that you are allergic to. Also, get a list of foods that have molds, and make sure you are not eating them by accident. Food rotation is a must with fibro. You get it from the internet. They are lists of foods within food groups, and you must rotate every 4 days. Please take care, and be well.
I have never had a doctor that was unprofessional enough to tell me that it was all in my head. That being said it did take over 5 years for me to find a doctor who worked with me and to narrow down what my issue was. I was tested for everything on the planet it seemed like and I was amazed that I had any blood left after all the tests that were done.

The frustrating thing was that after doing my own research and reading I knew what I had. I just had to find someone to work with me to establish that fact and get an official diagnosis. Once I found that doc I was almost immediately referred to a rheumatologist who specialized in fibro but getting there was a long, hard road.
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