I used to drink a glass of wine or once in a while two every evening, but it seems like since I have not worked (about 2 years now), I don't even think about it. I do, however, notice that I'm in less pain when I'm drinking. I was actually able to dance a month ago, not a lot, but I was able too! That said, everything in moderation. I agree, reducing the pain is not a good way to approach the use of alcohol, but if you are able to partake once in a while, it is a nice benefit!
Trellum, I'm so glad you recognized and acknowledged the changes in you, and it sounds like not pleasant ones. From what I have seen you post, I can't imagine it. I can tell you are a sweet and caring individual. What a blessing that you are no longer drinking. I used to smoke and I know how hard it is to stop an addiction. Kudos to you for kickin it! <3 <3