
  1. C

    Another Newbie

    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for allowing me to be here. There's a ton of information on this site and valuable tips. Still not sure what's wrong with me, but I do see some kind of doctor nearly weekly and still no answers. No explanation for my exhaustion, burning head, neck, and...
  2. O

    Noe excepting Fibro very well

    Hello, my name is Katie, and this is my first time on a support site for Fibromyalgia. I think I have hit the wall on talking, explaining, and generally wining about my Fibromyalgia to friends and family. They seem to just now change the subject and are not interested in hearing me anymore...
  3. T

    Doctors visit

    Hi all, Just wanted to tell you about my visit to the doctor last week. He has now diagnosed me with IBS, high blood pressure (154/94)and high cholesterol all of which he gave me medications for including an inhaler for my asthma. So now I am taking 28 medications a day not including the...
  4. I

    So incredibly wiped...

    Our daughter has attended the same child care facility since she was quite young. We were very fortunate, as it was local to the area that we lived, worked and played. The staff were always really great, much like a tight-knit family. We loved how progressive, nurturing and supportive they were...
  5. PattiD

    Anyone else expierience extreme upper back pain

    I've been having extreme pain around my spine. From mid-back up to the top of my shoulder blades. At times its like having a binder clip squeezing my spine. I've tried heat, cold and light massage. I have even tried mild stretches. If I move the wrong way suddenly it takes my breath away. I...
  6. EllaForgotten

    Recent diagnosis & overwhelmed with despair.

    I'm new to the forums and have been reading a bit. I have so many symptoms that no doctors (and I see many) will give me an answer or solution other than medications that will make me sicker. I feel like I'm slowly dying, literally, and I can't for the life of me understand why doctors simply...
  7. Forgetmenot

    Being fat

    Well now I can't move so well,ive resized myself to being over weight. I can't lose it so I'm going to try to come to terms with it. Both me and my dad have a problem of never felling full for long.i don't eat,very much anymore but I feel hungry a lot , My dad is a hard worker but he simply...
  8. M


    Started using my Gazzelle, it's low impact. I hit Rock bottom, I really think I got so down, I just kinda gave up, exepting, these thoughts : I am menopause I'm not as young as I use to be. look around you, there's lots of heavy women out there, your not alone! Or, well after all, I do have...
  9. E


    Hi all. I'm going to be honest from the get-go: I generally don't like this kind of thing. I'm not ashamed and I'm not a super private person (well to some extent, mostly because I find explaining fibro only illicits pity). But I'm at a loss and I want to get this off of my chest. I'm 32, male...
  10. H

    Help me

    Hello, I am sat here worried sick and rather scared. I am 45 mum of 3 diagnosed with eds and fibromyalgia 4 years ago. I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist who I never want to see again She was horrible, belittling and rude. She basically said to go home and live with it, which I have done...