
  1. S

    I need advice and guidance

    I joined this forum and group because I feel like I'm starting to graduate from the denial stage of what I'm starting to acknowledge as my long term life affecting issue. The pain started about 2 years ago. I was in an interesting and challenging phase of my life and had a bad habit of self...
  2. L

    Red hot face and swollen ankles

    Still no diagnosis my GP thinks it is FM. Does anyone get a red hot face, hot thighs, general hot sweaty feeling. And or swollen ankles. 3 months ago I had a general sick feeling, very uncomfortable all over with swollen ankles and hands with a really heavy feeling on my chest and back making it...
  3. Forgetmenot


    I want to lose weight badly.but my pills make me super hungry . Apart from sewing my mouth shut any tips would be great
  4. A

    Is this Fibromyalgia

    Hi All, I really appreciate all your time and comments. I have mentioned my symptoms below, please forgive my English, as I am not good at it. I am 31 yr old male. 1. Upper back pain and neck pain started around June 2015 with numbness in right hand little finger and right leg little finger...
  5. S

    One for the ladies only!

    Hi all I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME and FMS for just over a year. I have just recently had a bout of thrush which I haven't suffered fromantic since diagnosis. I couldn't face being pulled around by the Dr and the following week of pain so I went to the chemist and I bought an oral pill...
  6. M


    Hi, Newly diagnosed! (That's me!) I was always super active on vacations. Mountain climbing, hiking, snorkeling, scuba diving, parasailing, shop till ya drop, kayaking, zip lining. You name it, I did it. I've gained 75 lbs. since fibro stole my life. We have not gone on vacation in 2...
  7. S

    New member from UK. Topamax or Topamirate

    Hi all I am from the UK and have had a lot of problems with Lyrica/Pregabalin mainly a lot of weight gain. I am in the process of changing to Topamax /Topamirate. Is this used for Fibromyalgia in the States and is it well tolerated? There is interest here in the UK as the side effect of weight...
  8. W

    Could my mystery illness be Fibromyalgia?

    WlkrdudeNew Member Hello everyone. I am new here! Please bare with me as this will be a long post, but hopefully you guys could enlighten me as to whether this prolonged mystery illness I have could in fact be Fibromyalgia. To begin I am a formerly healthy 30 year old man, 5'11'' and 150ish...
  9. M

    Need answers! please!

    Hi all, This all started 2 months ago... started feeling like an inside tickle on my left buttock and fitness Het a very uncomfortable sensation then felt it in ny left shoulder and upper back the similar sensation but it was unbearable like a inside deep tickle that made me want to hold my arm...
  10. M

    alternative medication

    My husband smokes pot, I've been against it ever sence having kids because I heard it was a gateway drug to worse drugs, but ...... there are days I hurt so bad I try it, it just makes me -1 hungry, spacy, and tired. It's now legal, but......, Will I build up a tolerance to it, or get fatter, or...