
  1. E

    My Doc Gave me Homework...Help!

    So the day finally came for me to go and get my blood work results and talk about treatment options today. First, my blood work came back normal and negative for the list of test run to rule out autoimmune diseases and other illness that could be causing my chronic fatigue and pain. Big relief...
  2. I

    So Complicated

    This having fibro really really sucks. I am now trying to find a new doctor to treat me. The neurologist that has been treating me for the past 3 years apparently doesn't want me as a patient anymore. He didn't say as much but when I saw him over 2 weeks ago he really gave me the impression...
  3. E

    What would you say?

    Normally when people I work with greet me in the mornings and ask how are you doing, I will just smile and say fine and I hope you are. Then there are those that I work with that I can call my friends and know what is going on with my health for the last several months who ask me the same thing...
  4. E

    The journey begins...not really...

    I say the journey begins, because I am just starting to understand what is possibly causing the the chronic pain and fatigue I have dealt with for the last 5 years. And what a journey it is with no end in sight... and I understand there is no end until the end. That sounded really...
  5. K

    Starting to think I was misdiagnosed.... :/

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after 2 horrible car accidents... Personally, I have never felt like this was my actual or full diagnosis... My Dr's have, over the past several months started looking in to Crps aka complex regional pain syndrome which used to be called RSD reflex sympathetic...
  6. J

    3+ years of strange symptoms - could this be Fibromyalgia?

    Hello all, I am a 29 year old MALE and new to this site and this is my first post. In fact, I have hovered around various forums for the last 3 years or so without ever posting anything but I have finally decided to break my silence. I am not expecting someone to be able to tell me if I have...
  7. S

    Sleep - the most alternative and natural cure of all!

    My doctor has me doing things differently at night so I not only fall asleep, but sleep well. I'm taking a mixture of herbs and melatonin 20 minutes before bed, and it's helping tremendously. I used to take valerian root on its own to help me sleep, and it was moderately helpful. This herb...
  8. M

    listen up tracy poem

    now listen up tracy, I hear your pain you symptoms are getting you down again you feel so useless, unwanted and stressed but deep down inside you are one of the best we all have to suffer in each our own way pain from fibromalgia that wont go away so what if we can't do as much as before do...
  9. L

    An Actual Diagnosis

    So after a few failed attempts to see different Rheumatologists I finally found one willing to see me. He took the time to really listen to everything I had going on and all of the appointments I've already had. He asked a ton of questions and actually listened to the answers. I was in his...
  10. A

    Hi y'all I'm a newbie! Here's some of my story

    Hi y'all my name is Amy Hagood & I'm from Texas, U.S.. I am a very proud Mommy of 6. I only gave birth to 3 though. A daughter (8yrs) & a son (6yrs) from my 1st marriage & my husband Chris & I share a daughter (2yrs) together. God notnonly blessed me with Chris but also with 3 new daughters...