
  1. cookiebaker

    Pain and Vitamin/Mineral deficiencies

    I recently saw a pain management Nurse Practitioner (NP) to discuss my current medication, and looking for potential nutritional reasons that my pain levels are so high. She ordered a battery of tests to check levels in common pain related vitamin/mineral deficiencies and the results are kind of...
  2. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  3. S

    My muscles are so tight I can't walk. Any supplements/vitamins?

    For months, I've stretched multiple times per day as instructed by a physical therapist. I don't think I'm any more flexible now than when I started. My legs are so stiff that I can only hobble around. My awkward gait is causing me to injury myself. I recently started taking 250 mg of...
  4. Tipnatee N

    IBS and the problem with drinking plain water.

    I have lots of problem drinking plain water for 7 years now. First it was the tap water , then the bottled water. It causing an instant stomach pains for me to no end. My stomach suddenly get so painfully bloated so tight I can't breath, I get extremely nauseous to the point of panic attack most...
  5. Tipnatee N

    Question have anyone ever try the coca leaf tea, or coca leaf weight loss pills?

    I have been doing lidocaine research on the origin of it , with no luck of knowing exactly where it started . But instead I came across to coca leaf products . Which to my surprise it's quite interesting. :shock: Many people drinking the coca leaf tea as the alternative to coffee, or as the...
  6. Tipnatee N

    I've got restless leg during sleep so much my butt looks fantastic in the morning!

    Sometimes I just wanna pore concrete on it so I can go back to sleep!! Grrr. I have so much leg pounding rumbling spasms and buzzing like I was out running marathons all night , in the morning my butt actually looks like I just stepping out from the gym 8-) Well that untill the the bloat and...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Anemia and other severe minerals deficiency

    Anemia is nothing new to me but lately do to my other fast severely vitamins and minerals lost than I could consume. I'm struggling trying to find the right balance. Since I eat healthy it seems to keep me together better than before and found some relief , yet there's a time when fibromyalgia...
  8. M

    Cymbalta and Ginkgo Biloba together.

    Hi All, Been on my phone checking out the benifits of Ginkgo Biloba. According to drug interaction info. on line there is no concern, at least I didn't see any. I'm thinking of starting this with Cymbalta to help with memory and fatigue I'm fighting right now. We stopped at a Walgreens and I...
  9. P

    Start medication before diagnosis?

    Hi, New here. I suspect I likely have Fibro, and my pain has gone from occasional to more or less constant (mostly in my arms and legs). I saw my GP last week, who also agreed it could be fibro, and did offer to start me on drugs right away for the pain. I can't remember if she said Cymbala or...
  10. F

    New Member and Fighter of Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I am a new member of this forum and a recently found out from my Neurologist that I have Fibromyalgia. Being 23 and hearing this news, on top of my other auto immune disorders is a little depressing. I was a very healthy, active, happy girl 5 years ago, before weird symptoms...
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