
  1. J

    New here, 6 years undiagnosed

    Hi everyone! So I am expecting a diagnosis of fibro eventually. I have been tossed around all sorts of specialists and they just cant find anything. I recently changed my medi-cal (Medicaid) to a program called IEHP because medi-cal had no pain management offered and IEHP does, but and that's...
  2. C

    muscle spasm. do you get them with fibro?

    Hello all, I went through severe muscle spasms last night. Lasted over one hour. Not painful just scary. My muscles in my upper arms,thigh,calf and chest were as I call it "firing off". They all took turns doings this. It was uncontrollable and severe. I was lying down and it would fire off and...
  3. M

    Fibro explained in full at last.

    At last I have found someone who fully understands our illness. I watched his NON COMMERCIAL video from the University of California..His name Dr Andrew J Gross. OSHER centre of intergrative medecine under " Mini medical school for the public " THIS IS NOT A VIDEO WITH A HIDDEN AGENDER OR...
  4. J

    Adrenal Fatigue... or CFS explained from TCM point of view.

    Saw this video on youtube a while back and though wow this is like the story of my life. Thought I might share with with you guys here, maybe I'll help somebody out. LINK NOT ALLOWED
  5. S

    Ok, that's it. I'm burned out on the pain!

    Do you ever get the point where you can't stand the pain any longer, so you find a way to simply ignore it and try doing something you enjoy despite it? I'm sure we've all experienced getting "burned out" on feeling the pain. What is it that you do when you reach this burn out point? Are you...
  6. A

    Hi there - I've been diagnosed 3 years ago

    I have joined this community in order to exchange some experiences and see what needs to be done in order to stop the pain. I'm a Romanian student and among my hobbies, there are reading, playing video games, swimming and riding my bike. 2 of them have been influenced a lot by this condition...
  7. T


    I'm a young man from Romania. I have a lot of hobbies, such as scuba diving, swimming, riding my horse and playing video games. I have a relative with Fibromyalgia and I know how bad it is. I hope we'll get along in this community!
  8. S

    Fibromyalgia - This is my story

    Hi I'm Shannon, I'm from Australia and I recently had a video created, this is my story of how I came to get Fibromyalgia, this will answer a few questions for people who are concerned, or confused.
  9. Trellum

    Body coordination

    I've noticed that my body coordination has always been bad, but it has gotten way worse in the last years! I also have balance issues, sometimes I have to grab onto something or someone if I don't want to fall on the floor! But I'd say my coordination issues are worse, not only body-wise... I...
  10. D

    Hi, just joined the forum.

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2002 and after drug sensitivity issues and appalling side effects I do not use ANY medication which can sometimes be tough. If things get really bad I may take ONE tablet. I would be interested to know if anyone has seen the video's of clarkchiro on youtube...
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