
  1. A

    Having a bad week and it's only Monday

    Just have to vent, I feel like very few people in my life really hear me. I'm so tired. And I'm tired of being tired. I feel bad for trying to make plans with my mother this weekend and then feeling too exhausted to get out if bad. I feel worse that there's nothing I can say that will make her...
  2. M

    Hello from Montreal

    I may be new to the forum but certainly not new to the pain of fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with this in 2009. It originated as a pain in my chest when I tried to run. I had joined a gym several months prior with a personal trainer and was doing great...until I wasn't anymore. My trainer was...
  3. M

    Tired of being sick and tired of everything and anything . feeling like a burden!!!

    Iam a 40 year old women and unfortunately about a year and a half ago I had to move back in with them. I was diagnosed with fibro 2-3 years ago I don't even remember how long ago it was such a an anxiety filled few months. I also was diagnosed with clinical depression at age 17, borderline...
  4. vickythecat

    what is my purpose here, on this planet???

    Somehow, ever since I was a child, I felt like I must be here on this planet for a purpose. I could not stand injustice and unfairness. But right from my younger ages, I was imprisoned in my social anxiety. I was afraid of humans - child or adult. So I did not speak because I was not brave...
  5. DoobieBrother

    Greetings from the Canadian Maritimes :)

    Hello all, Doobie Brother here, just registered for this forum as after suffering alone for a decade, I need to ... vent :shock: I worked as a medical lab tech for thirty years, but have been on disability for a while now. My interests and passions include all things nerdy, guitar and bass...
  6. H

    Need to vent about...everything

    I have been handling my fibromyalgia diagnosis for about 3 months, along with the degenerative disc disease diagnosis that I received at the same time, pretty well. In September, I suddenly lost use of my left leg for unknown reasons. The best guess anyone gave for this happening was a nerve...
  7. T


    Again, I know this isn't the forum for this type of thing but I need to vent and it does play into my health problems. I won't go into all the details because I would have to write a novel. The gist of it is this. Several years ago my brother in law (my husbands brother) got into a fight with...
  8. LittleOrchid

    I'm new, but I need to vent BAD.

    Hello everyone, I hate to start off my time here with a vent like this but I feel like I have no one to talk to who "gets it" and if I don't off load some of what I'm going through right now, I'm going to explode I think. Please bear with me if I seem fragmented... I'm mid flare and utterly...
  9. L

    Newbie to FM Forums

    Hello!! I was diagnosed with Fibro, CFS and CPS as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm new and have so many questions and ideas... And well it's just good to vent when no one understands. On top of my physical illnesses, I'm also diagnosed as bipolar, anxiety disorder, SAD, panic attacks and...
  10. T


    So as most of you know I have a hearing before the ALJ on November 10th. My problem is I am making myself physically sick worrying about it. I am constantly nauseated for which the doctor has given me medication for. I have convinced myself that I am dying. I have been experiencing severe...