
  1. H

    Need to vent

    Im not normally a poor me kind of person, and ive been doing pretty well for a couple months, now though my flare ups are next level, its currently 2:30am and ive been awake since 1am. And it is a rough one 😔 and its like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, i know lack of sleep will...
  2. C

    Fibro affecting my marriage

    I don't even know how to start this. I'm waiting for formal diagnosis of fibro bit go and consultant both believe I have it. I've come to accept my limitations over the last 5 years. My husband cannot. We row constantly about sex. He wants it, I'm either phsically sore, fatigued or both. It has...
  3. F

    Strange stuff

    After my initial newby thread I was diagnosed in November which seemed too easy after all the things I had read. I ended up getting a second opinion from rhumy. I filled out the standard fibro pain form, however he doesn't like the term Fibromyalgia because it was a trash can term by so many...
  4. M

    Feeling Hopelessly Adrift

    Hi all. I'm a 21 year old single mother, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia almost 6 years ago. At first things were okay still. I could function through the pain and still live a normal life. However, in the past 6 months or so, everything has started spiraling out of control. The flare ups...
  5. M

    First time in forum vent

    This is my first time posting in public about my fibromyalgia. I was a teenager in the 90's when diagnosed. The past few years have brought more pain, injury and devastating depression and suicidal thoughts that I ever imagined. I've tried patient rehab, support groups, friends, relatives...
  6. D

    Burning Pain..desperation

    Not sure how much more i can take of this excruciating burning pain all over my body 24/7. I literally am at screaming point all day and night and barely been out of bed for weeks now. I also have Interstitial Cystitis and vulvodynia....basically burning up in your external and internal lady...
  7. L

    Joint laxity

    Does anyone else suffer from joint laxity/hypermobility? I have it in most of my joints & it is a nightmare & along with fibro is the most problematic. My ankles are seriously unstable, I've been to a podiatrist who has provided me with orthotics as I have almost no arches on my feet. He...
  8. M

    New pain symptom/ Muscle,nerve,skin. leather

    DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS? FROM THE TOP OF MY FOOT TO THE TOP OF MY CALF FEELS LIKE MY TISSUES ARE TURNING TO LEATHER INSIDE, AND PAINFUL. LAST NIGHT iI iced it for a while, but I still awken with it this morning, includeing tops of both feet. Im so glad I have you guys to vent to. I cant...
  9. vickythecat

    Couldn't even get up on time to go to the doctors

    ahhhh......for months I'd been coming up with excuses and reasons why I will have to wait till the summer is over to go to the doctor (I hate the heat and public transportation is real nasty in the heat over here). Now it is autumn, due to a family emergency I cannot leave my mom alone at home...
  10. S

    Dark Place

    Hello Everyone, I need a vent to people who understand what we go through. I've been flaring pretty much the last 3 months due to it being winter where I am. I feel like I am in such a dark place right now, like I'm trying to climb out of a big hole but I just can't get out and keep falling to...