
  1. T

    surgery update

    So proud of myself today. Three weeks after having a total shoulder replacement I was able to completely dress myself from head to toe. It was a bit of a struggle at times but I am determined I am going to get my strength back. I am using the arm more and more and between that and my physical...
  2. M

    Sick with a cold and used Mucinex - Guaifenesin

    Hello. I'm joining this forum to say hello and to offer my story on my recent use of Mucinex during a 10 day nasty cold virus. My history with Fibromyalgia - I have known I've had it for over 15 years and I have tried to manage through the pain and over the last year it has almost disabled me...
  3. S

    update on xrays

    The nurse called and reported that there was nothing on xray. I don't understand how they could first say there was evidence of pneumonia and something else unknown and now there is NOTHING?. Okay, I guess i'll quit worrying until I find a good doctor who can truly address my issues. Thanks to...
  4. T


    Saw the rheumatologist today and she confirmed what my PCP had diagnosed which is fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She did an extensive exam including blood work and x-rays of my neck and shoulders. She recommended some changes in medication and perhaps some aqua therapy. I am...
  5. M

    update, still pain of unknown cause diagnosed thyroid issues

    Hi all, I posted back in january with my mine complaint of chest pain. I made it into the dr when insurance kicked in feb 1st. I had xray, ct scan, orginially diagnosed with pleurisy, went for ct scan, diagnosed with large thyroid nodule. It was biopsied and is benign, but it is still going...
  6. A

    New member

    Hi everyone I am a new member and a bit confused as to how to use this forum properly so u must forgive me if I am doing this wrong I tried to post already submitted it but cannot see it anywhere so must have done something wrong if this gets posted I will update it with my story Best wishes...
  7. Nikki_MI

    Hello from 2nd Generation FM in MI

    So glad to find this forum. I belong to various Pages on Facebook but never want to join in being that half the world gets an update whenever you post. I was diagnosed officially with FM 2 years ago but have suspected that I had way before that. 2 years ago... after the birth of my third...
  8. G

    Re: Update and not a good one

    Re: Update and not a good one Hi Becky LOL, I can't press the buttons on my Ford to unlock the doors--or the hairspray can to fix my hair. The weakness is definitely not 'perceived' it's all too real. My fingers just collapse. I can hold things in my arms, though. The neurosurgeon is the...
  9. G

    update/neuro appt

    Thank you all! I really appreciate your reply's. My nuero did mention Fibrobut also said that she (as I) felt it is more of an illness that is not a real thing in and of itself but more of a label for people that really do have REAL issue's that dont fit in any one box. Meaning that fibro is a...