
  1. D

    Diagnosed with CFS

    Just introducing myself. Hi I was diagnosed with CFS in 1999, following a couple of years of constant viral infections. I was given various blood tests which all came back negative. My white cells were mapped and found to be working properly in response to each infection, but still new...
  2. V


    Hi. Just wondering since I haven't heard about it yet. Is there already a definite cure to fibro?
  3. I

    Muscle relaxants

    So, how many of you take muscle relaxants for Fibromyalgia? Its a pretty mediocre treatment, but its still widespread enough.
  4. G

    frustrated with generic symptoms

    Hi, I am new to this site but reading the posts has helped me feel like I am not alone. My journey started in Aug 2009. I had generic symptoms, starting with swelling in my hands and fatigue. I have been to several specialists each time a "new" symptom would appear and every test would come...
  5. G

    mouse virus linked to m.e

    i found this very intresting article in the daily mail. my mum has had m.e for about 15yrs now. these new studies are very promising and shed more light on the possible cause and future treatment. m.e has always had a bit of a stigma attached to it with even alot of doctors not believing it...
  6. G

    guillan barres syndrome or fibro?

    Hello t2009, Your onset and progression is way too fast to be a neurological disorder. When reading your post i did think it sounded like possibly guillan barres syndrome with its sudden onset. then i read you tested positive for west niles virus,it may have been some time ago but these things...
  7. G

    fibro maybe myofascial pain syndrome

    I tested 10 out of 18 on that test, he says no treatment needed and I agree. He thinks instead of fibro maybe myofascial pain syndrome. C-diff is the recurrent colon infection that I had. It when bad bacteria take over good ones. it is caught from the hospital or from taking antibiotics. I got...