
  1. M


    Hello, I am new too this site and finding out that I have fibromyalgia, does anybody take tramadol/ultram for their pain and tiredness, I have been taking it for a while and it seems too give me some energy and helps with the pain. :lol:
  2. N

    Nerve pain

    Hi! I've been having a lot of nerve pain lately. I use Tramadol (50mg) because it shuts down the pain center in my brain. That, and cannabis, are the only two things that seem to work. Now the problem is; cannabis is illegal where I live (you can't even get a prescription for medicinal...
  3. LivingAlone

    My life is being stolen

    You know, I thought it was hard enough finding out that I had Rheumatoid Arthritis a year and a half ago. It was hard to wrap my head around all the pills that I needed to take just to slow the disease and manage the pain. It was hard to give myself weekly injections. It is hard to continue to...
  4. D

    Laundry Detergent and other chemicals makes me nauseous now

    Does anyone else have serious reaction with their laundry detergent since having fibro? I used to be able to use all kinds of cleaning supplies but my body has become so much more hyper sensitive that now I get nauseous from doing laundry.:confused: It's not like I'm sniffing or drinking or...
  5. R

    Pain medications with no prescription required

    No Advertising On This Forum. No Medications Sold Here.
  6. S

    stress and pain and lack of medication

    Those of us with fibro all know that stress aggravates this condition. I had a really strong example of that yesterday. Had to do my taxes, which is always a highly stressful thing for me. First, anything having to do with numbers and money has always stressed me; I know that's silly, but it...
  7. J

    rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, tramadol and cymbalta

    I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia three and four years ago I am now taking gabapentin and tramadol along with Cymbalta can anyone tell me how many milligrams they are taking and if they are getting relief from the pain
  8. M

    feeling very upset and frustated

    My symptoms started with fibromyalgia back in August. I had random pains here and there not enough to make me go to a doctor. It has slowly gotten worse I finally went to my family doctor the beginning of December. She ran all kinds of blood work and sent me to a rheumatologist to also-ran blood...
  9. O

    Hello from Florida

    Diagnosed a few months ago ( fibro). I believe this started from brain surgery and complications of recover. I'm classic text book fibro pt. Which is the first time I've ever been text book, Im usually told " I've never seen this before":D Two nights ago I had my first real pain at 10 flare up...
  10. S

    What alternative treatments have you tried?

    ...........and what worked for you, and what did not? I am not a big fan of the AMA and their approach to things, although I do take tramadol every day and would not be able to function, I think, without it. The doctor I see at a pain clinic wants me to take something else, but everything tried...