
  1. 1sweed

    Burning Mouth Syndrome

    This topic has been mentioned by a few members of the forum, so I thought I would share some information about it. Burning mouth syndrome or sometimes called glossodynia, means tongue pain. However, the pain and burning can involve the lips and tongue, the roof of the mouth and inside of the...
  2. G

    Am I being silly?!

    Hi folks. I have been experiencing various symptoms for a long time now and am one step away from a diagnosis of M.E. I have seen a neurologist, rheumatologist and M.E. specialist. Everyone seems to think I have M.E. I'm worried it could be something else, like ALS, and I wondered if you could...
  3. G

    Sunflower or Seasme OIL

    Long-term use of vitamin E supplements may help protect against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), according to a recent report from the American Journal of Epidemiology. Vitamin E. Vitamin E has attracted significant attention from ALS researchers as a...
  4. G

    feel lost, could this be PLS?

    Hi, i'm 50 yr old woman who has had progressive health problems for 3+ yrs. still, no diagnosed. aaah. before then, very active, athletic, no health problems. earliest symptoms: difficulty remaining standing even for a minute - needed to sit, squat down, bend over, take weight off lower legs...
  5. G

    Looking for fibro answers

    My symptoms started December '08, when I awoke to having my arm going completely numb, blurred vision, and a drunk-like feeling while speaking. It went away in a matter of minutes. I went to the hospital to make sure that I didn't have a stroke. Then over the course of the next 5 months, my...
  6. G

    What is going on?

    My symptoms started December '08, when I awoke to having my arm going completely numb, blurred vision, and a drunk-like feeling while speaking. It went away in a matter of minutes. I went to the hospital to make sure that I didn't have a stroke. Then over the course of the next 5 months, my...
  7. G

    New to This, I have Fibromyalgia

    Hi All, I have Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy that is becoming more frequent and seems to be advancing. A few years ago, my left arm became paralyzed for 2 1/2 months, but fortunately the nerve regenerated and I regained use of my arm. In the past month, the numbness has become very...
  8. G

    New symptom: hyperesthesia - could this by fibromyalgia?

    I recently developed a new symptom: hyperesthesia. My skin is extremely sensitive to the touch. This occurs on skin on my face (eyelashes, lips, chin), in my mouth (roof, tongue), and certain places on my arm. Other symptoms I have: hyperreflexia muscle twitches muscle cramps in feet and...
  9. G

    new here and very scared!

    Hello everyone, I have not been diagnosed with als but am very scared that i have it. I have a long story but I will try to shorten it as much as possible. i got the swine flu back in april and have been having weird neurological symptoms ever since. It first started out with my arm feeling...
  10. G

    is ALS starting? or fibromyalgia?

    :oops:Hello all I'm 27 male, I'm still not diagnose but I have some very frightened symptoms and I want to hear your oppinions. In March of 2007 after very stressful situation I started a lot of symptoms: -Fasciculations all over my body(very strong I can see my body parts twitching)...
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