
  1. H

    Three types and possibly four types of arthritis.

    Hi, I'm new to this. I've never looked to the Internet for help till now. I'm 50😊 I have had a life time of pain and only realized that the pain I've had wasn't normal . I have had the pain as far back as 5-6 years old that I can remember. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis half a life time...
  2. M


    Hello, I am new to this site and finally finding out that I have fibromyalgia, I have been taking tramadol/ultram for quite some time now and I find that it helps with the pain and tiredness, that I suffer from. Does anybody else take it and does it help?:-)
  3. M


    Hello, I am new too this site and finding out that I have fibromyalgia, does anybody take tramadol/ultram for their pain and tiredness, I have been taking it for a while and it seems too give me some energy and helps with the pain. :lol:
  4. A

    Cold, tired, in lots of pain

    Oh man. I am so over it. I can't seem to find a position to lie or sit in that doesn't involve pain at the moment. I don't just have fibro. I also have ankylosing spondylitis and I frequently get what's called nutcracker oesophagus, which is where the oesophageal muscle spasms and cramps and it...
  5. I

    There's a good chance this is Fibro. Do my symptoms sound familiar?

    I am at the end of my rope. I have been dealing with these same symptoms for about two years now and have gone from doctor to doctor asking for help to figure out what is wrong. I am seeing an Endocrinologist at the beginning of next month. But here is what I have been dealing with: 1.) Extreme...
  6. S

    Really tired of the vicious circle

    Last night I was supposed to go to a party, and I had agreed to bring the coleslaw. I tried to pace myself all day, getting the things done I had to do but not over doing it, and made sure I had time to rest for 2 hours before time to leave for the party, but I could tell as the time approached...
  7. M

    Tired of being sick and tired of everything and anything . feeling like a burden!!!

    Iam a 40 year old women and unfortunately about a year and a half ago I had to move back in with them. I was diagnosed with fibro 2-3 years ago I don't even remember how long ago it was such a an anxiety filled few months. I also was diagnosed with clinical depression at age 17, borderline...
  8. H

    Tired of being treated like an addict

    So today I had to go in person to get my prescriptions from my doctor an hour away. So after I had the medical assistant call me to let me know they were written so I could come get them, I get there and I have to have ID? She didn't think to tell me that when I had her call? Apparently it's a...
  9. B

    Saying hi to all newly diagnosed yesterday

    Hi everyone 😁 saying hi as new to this group and although I've been suffering on and off for years I've just moved house and a new doctor has diagnosed fibromylalgia and possibly cfs 😣. For the last few years I've felt like people think I'm hyperchondriac 😢 most days complaining of some...
  10. D

    So tired today... Zzz...

    I have been so tired today! I think it might be because I took my migraine medication last night when I went to bed. It's never had that kind effect on me before. I am becoming a little bit perkier as the day goes by, which makes me think my body is processing something out of my system. If it...