
  1. M

    A New Member

    I was Diagnosed July of this year with Fibro/Chronic pain. For almost 3 years I have suffered with no answers from my doctors and finally this month I have an answer. It was most surely not the answer I wanted but at least I got one and am now trying to get the pain under control. Right now...
  2. R

    med transitions

    I started having unexplainable pain a few years ago amidst a heavily physically and mentally stressful ordeal, plenty of older family members with arthritis but i was only 30! Id also developed some concurrent conditions and finally decided to seek help when my insurance improved. After...
  3. A

    Apathy and Anger Phase?

    I'm extremely down in the dumps. Maybe I could get some guidance from veteran sufferers? Here is what is going on (and please excuse my disjointed post): I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in March (2013). I have suspected that I had it for almost 3 years. Two years ago, I had chronic...
  4. P

    MRI denied!

    I am so pissed medicaid denied my MRI and I feel as if my doctor did not explain a proper reason needing this MRI. Also I still didn't get a referrel, I mean do I have to beg for help to find out why I am in pain? I was simply just told on the phone if you have anymore problems just call or come...
  5. J


    Has anyone tried Mindfulness therapy, my doctor suggested I look into it and maybe give it a try ?
  6. K

    Mental support for fibromyalgia

    Mental support of your own is very important in reducing the discomforts of Fibromyalgia. Each person is dreaming that their won"t be any suffering on tomorrow so I can have that ....I can have this that but in the next morning the things will be almost same as yesterday means Pain all...
  7. M

    muscle pain relief in Taiwan

    Every now and then, when we're working hard, we hurt our back. It might be from moving a piece of furniture and lifting it incorrectly, or from too much yard work. Often this pain in your back is muscular. While this can often be a painful situation, you should know that it isn't nearly as...
  8. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...
  9. P

    My Intro

    Hi, My name is Patricia. I am fairly newly diagnosed with fibro, just in April 2013. I was diagnosed with MS in December of 2007 and I was already dealing with chronic pain due to the MS. I have been on Avinza, a sustained released morphine, since before my MS diagnosis. I've also been on...
  10. G

    Hi there *waves*

    Hello. I'm new here. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia this past Tuesday. I have been suffering since the beginning of March. 3/1/13-3/29/13 I tapered off Seroquel and Zoloft, which I was on for two years, Feb 2011, after the Renfrew Center forced me into taking it - refusing to treat me if...