
  1. L

    Progesterone therapy for treatment of fibromyalgia.

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia one year ago. I have tried everything from homeopathy, alternative medicine, with no real reduction in pain and improvement in sleep quality... I refused to take anti depressants, prescribed by my rheumatologist.. I had almost given up hope until I...
  2. M

    Trying to accept it - this can't be real

    I'm new to the fibro forum. Actually.. this is my first thread on any forum. Does anyone else think this just can't be real? I have been diagnosed with this several times via several doctors who knew nothing of the prior diagnosis... so I'm starting to leave the "this is just an excuse b/c...
  3. J

    my wife's experiences with fibromyalgia

    In February, 1994, my wife slipped down a wooden stairway covered with dry snow, sustaining a left distal comminuted fracture of the left wrist. When she landed at the bottom of the stairs, she also hit her chin against the stairs. The major symptoms she suffered following this were leg...
  4. A

    Have any of you tried osteopathy/chiropractic or other forms of manipulation

    I am interested to hear if any of you have ever addressed your pain issues with the help of a chiropractor/osteopath/masseur? Or have you tried any other type of alternative therapy to manipulate your muscles and bones? I have tried it all, with varying results. All I can say is that I would...
  5. T

    i'm beyond tired........

    I was diagnosed about 14 yrs ago with fibro.... my muscle pain has gone from bad to worse over the past 2 yrs..... doing anything around my house takes me all day long... of course there is all the things that ppl say can help but the dr wont give me due to having a heart attack 9 yrs ago..... a...
  6. A

    Best excercises that we use...

    I am sure many of us go to physical therapy as a part of our treatment. So, I am thinking we can share some of the excercises that our physical therapist give us with those who cannot afford to go to therapy so that they can get some relief as well. If you can copy a link to a you tube or...
  7. J

    Can't find a doc!

    Hi everyone, First off my thanks to all you fellow sufferers, may you have a pain free day! I was diagnosed with fibro in 1989, got SSD on the first try, which as many of you know it is not easy to do. It has been a long road but found a Rheumy about 15 years ago who finally prescribed...
  8. A

    This is a great idea...

    To have a section of this forum dedicated to the venting that is very healthy for those in our position. However, I do not really have anything that I need to get off my chest but, its good to know that it's here when I need it. Holding things in just is not good. It works with our disease to...
  9. K

    How does your doctor treat your fibro pain

    My Rheum gave me one medicine which is basically a type of Ibuprofen. She also suggested physical therapy. That was the extend of things. I am wondering what else might be available to me?
  10. A

    I have been diagnosed for years now but I am glad to be here now.

    Greetings everyone. This is my first post on this forum. I was diagnosed in November of 2009 and, have been trying to cope with it ever since. Some days are better than others which I am sure we all know that. I am blessed with a great doctor who truly cares about keeping this condition...