
  1. D

    Can't sleep

    Can't sleep....3am in the UK. Third night awake almost all night. Got lots on my mind. Not making progress. Taking antibiotiocs but after a week am worse. Phoned Doc to speak to her but she didn't ring back and now she's not in until Wednesday. I wanted a swob test for accurate diagnosis not...
  2. M

    Need answers! please!

    Hi all, This all started 2 months ago... started feeling like an inside tickle on my left buttock and fitness Het a very uncomfortable sensation then felt it in ny left shoulder and upper back the similar sensation but it was unbearable like a inside deep tickle that made me want to hold my arm...
  3. C

    Question for those who've had Emg test

    Is it necessary? I already had one the the doctor said was normal. My rhuemotologist, who is great, sent me to a número just to make sure her diagnosis of fibro is correct since my joint stiffness, headaches and tingeling/cramps in legs seems to be getting worse. This new nureologist want to do...
  4. S

    Could I have fibromyalgia?

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking a moment to read my post. I'm a 35 year old otherwise healthy woman. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been dealing with weird episodes that come and go. The episodes seem to appear out of the blue (are not triggered by stress or any other thing I can identify)...
  5. I

    Sleep Apnea and Fibromyalgia

    last time i was on here i thought i was loosing it all first i dont want to come off rubbing in anyone's face or upsetting anyone in anyway for 3 to 4 years i watched my heath go to being able to do almost nothing back 3 to 4 years ago my sleep ap machine broke and the provider refused to...
  6. Dorchin

    I'm 16 and the doctor is sure that it's fibro.

    Hello everyone! I'm a student in Ireland. I haven't been having a great year so far. Before Easter, I was struck down with a heavy virus, I missed a week of school. I slept for hours and I couldn't do anything. Fast forward to the start of May and I suffered with severe GI problems. We all...
  7. S

    New to this

    I was diagnosed about three weeks ago, but assume I've had it for some time. I can usually deal okay with pain, but am quite affected by the constant aching of arms and legs, back etc. It's a nagging, ever-present ache, and although not anywhere near unbearable, it's annoying to say the least...
  8. S

    Fibro Test $700 have u done it?

    Has anyone done the epigentics fibromyalgia test and was it worth it? It;s $700 which my insurance does not cover. I spoke with the scientest about it and he said it has a 93% accuracy rate which is high and it RULES IN that you do Have Fibromyalgia and not something else. Thinking about doing...
  9. S

    Hi-so young and in pain- any help?

    Hi all, glad to find you! I am 46 and feel like I am dying. On some does I wonder if I will. It terrifies me. I don't want to leave my 3 1/2 year old...not yet. I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have tried every med out there. Currently I am on Oxy and ambien at night. I get about 40% relief from...
  10. T

    50yr old male w these symptoms...

    I have had burning and aching in feet for several years. Then the burning moved to the ankles for last 4 months. I then developed twitching in left calf which has moved to different parts of my body. I have since developed muscle spasms/cramps in my legs,hands,arms etc.,and my ankles are...