
  1. B


    Hi all. I am brand spanking new to this forum. I am curious to know about people's experiences with their health care providers. I was in a bad motorcycle accident in 2012. It was actually my surgeon who first suspected that I had developed FM. I mentioned this to my regular Dr who didn't...
  2. R

    Could I Have Fibro?/First Rheumatologist Appointment

    Good Day All, I have been considering the poitential I have Fibro for a while and would love to speak with some experienced veterans or even just knowledgeable members about it. Quick medical history, I was in 7 car accidents with in 5 years, I've been treated with physical therapy, massage...
  3. D

    Rebuilding muscle and strength

    So we have had an amazing thread on exercise intolerance that's had the most replies ive seen for ages. So those of you who understand i haven't been able to exercise much for over 2 years and i have limitations based on joint issues....so i cant squat or get on the ground or bend around as in...
  4. K

    Diagnosed, but still doubting. Am I just grasping for an answer?

    Hi everyone. So my doctor diagnosed me this week with fibromyalgia. It's been over six months that we've been trying to figure out what is going on with me. Fibromyalgia is very new to me and I'm very unfamiliar with it besides the research I've been doing on it this week since the diagnosis...
  5. M

    Long term pain

    I am a 31 yea old female with over 10 years of pain. I am currently being treated for sacroiliac joint dysfunction by my Physiotherapist. I have suffered with this pain for at least 10 years but only recently diagnosed. I am also being refered to a Rheumatologist to investigate Seronegative...
  6. W

    Can Surgery cause fibromyalgia/CFS and does using CPAP machine make the pain worse?

    40ish male, not over wieght and still working Quick History, 2014 cancer surgery, tumour removed, skin flap, graph. 2015 apporx 18 months later, rapid weakness, vision and muscle fatigue issues 2016 after MS clinic, Neurology, rheumatology, multiple MRI's every known body scan, blood test...
  7. F

    Lab Results. What would you do?

    I got some lab results today. The ANA result is not out yet. But I did have a pretty comprehensive panel done. Everything came back normal, the only outliers were an elevated CRP, ESR and a Stage 1 CKD creatinine result. my PCP however told me that these results meant absolutely nothing which...
  8. C

    Fibro test, tightness in your chest, Cymbalta

    Hi - I am still trying to determine if I have Fibro or not (see my post in do I have fibro) folder. I DO know I don't have Lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis or Lymes, Epstein Barr, Parvo, Hepatitis C and some other things my doc ran tests for. My symptoms began in my hands (which continue to...
  9. L

    Just diagnosed

    Hello all. Glad to find this forum. I was just diagnosed July 13 after 3 plus years and 2 rheumotologists. Long story short, I started having pain all over. Holding my son's hand was painful. I joined a fitness boot camp and had to stop since the pain and fatigue was so bad. I thought I...
  10. P

    20 yrs in the making

    Long story of doctors/test/doctors/test boils down to Fibro. I've hit my body lowest and trying to accept. My spine/lower back and legs are always in extreme pain now. Chiropractor did help ALOT--got me unlocked when I thought I would end up in a wheel chair. I can walk, but it's not pretty. I...
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