
  1. N

    Finding something that works for me and wanted to share.

    I have been a lurker on Fibromyalgia forums for years but I am a pretty private person so I never joined the forums and online support groups because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I have finally had some success in treating my health issues and decided it was time to share. a...
  2. C

    Newly Diagnosed, yet not sure my symptoms fit...

    Hi there, I'm new here and was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia by my rheumatologist. She didn't seem totally confident with the diagnosis but sort of as a way to "give me something" and send me on my way. This is going to be long but I would so appreciate some thoughts. Here's some...
  3. C

    Fibromyalgia for 26 years?

    Hi all, I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I have such a long history I don't even know where to start, but I'll try to be brief and not ramble too much. I was finally officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year, but I have been enduring the symptoms since I was 17 and it...
  4. C

    Fibromyalgia for over 26 years?

    Hi all, I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I have such a long history I don't even know where to start, but I'll try to be brief and not ramble too much. I was finally officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year, but I have been enduring the symptoms since I was 17 and it...
  5. E

    Always afraid and anxious

    Hello all! I'm new here and just trying to come to grips with my Fibro symptoms. I am always afraid! Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm always scared something "bigger" is happening and I am in constant state of anxiety. For instance, my right arm has been in different "levels" of pain and...
  6. E

    Always afraid and anxious

    Hello all! I'm new here and just trying to come to grips with my Fibro symptoms. I am always afraid! Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm always scared something "bigger" is happening and I am in constant state of anxiety. For instance, my right arm has been in different "levels" of pain and...
  7. F

    Hello from fibromomof2

    Hello. My name is Brenda and I was diagnosed with fibro in 2004. I have two children....2 teen son is in high school and my daughter is in junior high. My life with fibro has been very challenging as I have other medical conditions riding along with it. I think though the...
  8. T

    Advice for insomnia / staying asleep?

    Besides the pain, actually being able to go or stay asleep has been a HUGE issue for me. At first I stayed up until the early mornings (I'm talking 6 or 7) And then it changed to being able to fall asleep but only getting 5 hours. I recently got prescribed ambien and it seems to help. I try not...
  9. EllaForgotten

    What kind of doctor best for managing Fibromyalgia?

    I'm very new to the diagnosis. Well, somewhat new.. May 2015. I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist, a BAD one, and I'm not sure if I should be seeing a rheumatologist or a neurologist. Which do you all think is best for fibromyalgia symptoms management etc?
  10. EllaForgotten

    Recent diagnosis & overwhelmed with despair.

    I'm new to the forums and have been reading a bit. I have so many symptoms that no doctors (and I see many) will give me an answer or solution other than medications that will make me sicker. I feel like I'm slowly dying, literally, and I can't for the life of me understand why doctors simply...