
  1. H

    I need help/support

    Hi all I am new here. I am 23 years old and have lived with pain and exhaustion for as long as I can remember I suppose it became more noticeable in my late teens. I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and potentially endometriosis. As well as this I am also...
  2. I

    There's a good chance this is Fibro. Do my symptoms sound familiar?

    I am at the end of my rope. I have been dealing with these same symptoms for about two years now and have gone from doctor to doctor asking for help to figure out what is wrong. I am seeing an Endocrinologist at the beginning of next month. But here is what I have been dealing with: 1.) Extreme...
  3. Tipnatee N

    Aspirins bath

    My most best relaxation discovery I've found for me who's living with main symptoms of fibromyalgia and panic disorder ( and all the other symptoms) thank to lots of home relaxation treatment on YouTube research while I was bored cause I couldn't move much for many days do to pains. Basically...
  4. H

    Prednisone and Enbrel

    Hi! Wishing everyone comfort and Happy Mother's Day to the mother's! Here's my question: I'm pretty sure my doctors are right that I have fibromyalgia based on my symptoms, except two things still puzzle me. Does anyone else get better on prednisone? This has happened several times for me over...
  5. bluelapis12

    New here, not new to fibro

    Hello, I am struggling with fibromyalgia, major depressive disorder, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis and other issues. Yesterday visited the Dr. with symptoms of sciatic pain limiting mobility for past two weeks, also, weakness and soreness in right arm. After two weeks of struggling with these...
  6. D

    Medication Question - How Much Do You Take If Any

    Hi, I'm curious - is anyone here able to successfully manage your symptoms with a minimum of medication? If so, how do you do it? Do you work full-time (either in or outside the home)? I work full-time in a fairly sedentary job 37.5 hrs per week, and take a lot of medication in order to do...
  7. B

    Hi im new

    At this point any advice will help... How can you get your gp to listen to you when they think fm is fake???? I have a list of symptoms that i dont think are normal for a 25 y/o woman i also have a family history with fm idk if this is hereditary or not but i honestly think this is what i...
  8. A

    Hi, I am new

    Hi I am new to this forum and I am really glad that I found this forum. I have some questions about FM. I am 25 y/o male. I had stressful life since my childhood and I remember that headache started when I was 8 or 9.I just want to give some symptoms of my health and ask for your help and...
  9. Tipnatee N

    Hello, I'm new here too , living drug free with FM nice to meet you all!

    Of course it's not that I want to live drug free with fibromyalgia, but I'm broke and now homeless too lol what can I say , gotta stay optimistic somehow right? :wink: I did most research on supplements, food, and lifestyle. Sometime I gets good days sometimes I don't ( some are pretty bad) ...
  10. C

    Diagnosed. Have lots questions about symptoms.

    Help distinguishing symptoms HI! I was diagnosed in 2013 with no help for questions of symptoms. I have itching days and wondered if it was related. I have several medium size extremely dry spots. I wake up during the night scratching and bring blood. I am taking Lyrica and Cymbalta.