
  1. S

    Hello everyone!

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2004, but obviously had it previous to that. Lately I have been getting pain in places that I never would have thought possible with this illness :roll: UNBELIEVABLE. Females?... Really? Anyway. Also where the trigger point is on my left forearm, is making...
  2. C

    New Fibro Symptoms?

    I was diagnosed back in 1991 with CFS/Fibro. Over the years I have avoided medication as much as possible, I do not tolerate pain meds well at all. about 2 1/2 years ago I started having Blood Pressure spikes going as high as 220/180 and debilitating headaches unlike any I had ever had over the...
  3. A

    Emotional Stress and Flare Ups

    Has anybody notice that any emotional upheaval may lead to a flare-up of symptoms? I just lost an evening part-time job. I should have seen the handwriting on the wall because there was less and less work over these past two months. However, suffering the emotional stress is the same even if...
  4. S

    Can you tell the difference?

    Can you tell the difference between having the flu and having fibro pain mixed with IBS symptoms? I'm not entirely sure if I have the flu, but my body is certainly acting like it this morning. Then again, I've only had the flu once in my life, so maybe I don't have a good understanding of what...
  5. J

    A scare

    Can a scare of any kind heighten Fibromyalgia symptoms? I recently was scared by some news that has left me more than a little apprehensive. I feel sobbish and I can't seem to put the thought out of my mind, and that alone makes me feel like sobbing, unless, the scare that was was put into me...
  6. Y

    Neck pain disc disease

    Hey all, Just wanted to take a poll. I wonder what percentage of us have problems with our necks and specifically nerve impingement, diminished space between disks, osteoarthritis in C spine? And if anyone has received any help for this, where it has helped with FM/CFS symptoms? I am...
  7. C

    Symptoms that requires an E.R. Trip

    I need to know if anyone ever experienced any stroke like symptoms? I've spent this weekend in the hospital taking test after test and everything comes back negative. I feel like such a fool, it's so frustrating to go to the hospital for what you think is an emergency and find that there isn't...
  8. G

    Chronic Pelvic pain?

    My doctor thinks i would have pelvic congestion because other tests happen to be nonconclusive. does anyone else suffer from this? what had you been symptoms? i have bad internal pain, low back pain and leg pain...have you got any tips to relieve the pain sensation? Please assist me !
  9. H

    Seasonal affective amplifying symptoms?

    While I still have a degree of CF in Summer, it is by far worse in winter. Luckily it is mid March now and my SAD is almost gone. Having both CF and SAD can sometimes make winters really bad. Does anyone else have both and wish to share their experiences?
  10. H


    Does anyone else find that consuming sugar in any forms triggers symptoms? I have always found this, and assumed it was a sign of diabetes, but after getting tested I found out that I was no diabetic. Regardless I tend to eat like a diabetic on a controlled diet due to the effect sugar has on me.