
  1. S

    early onset symptoms?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  2. C

    Did anyone start with these symptoms?

    I have had 4 "episodes" since June of 2018. I woke up one morning and hurt all over like I had the flu. The bones in my feet felt like they were crunching together. Every joint hurt. My hands/fingers/wrists were stiff and painful. I wanted to sleep all day long. I had a painful spot to...
  3. M

    Hi, from Northern Vancouver Island

    Hi, I am a relatively new member, but must confess I read a lot of posts without commenting. I finally decided to say hi, and ask a question that I have not seen on the forums. Diagnosed 3 years ago, with Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. I see my doctor about every 6 months, as we live 2.5...
  4. I

    is it normal for fibro sufferers to have lots of symptoms?

    or do you notice only a few? i get dizzy and nauseous when walking or trying to exercise, swallowing difficulties, muscle and joint pain, restless arm and leg, headaches, brain fog, sleep issues, sensitive to noise, touch, temperature. and horrible feelings of dread. started duloxetine, hoping...
  5. J

    New Symptoms?

    Hello, I am newly diagnosed as of January. However, I have been in pain for over a year, and felt "funny" for two years. I am suffering from RLS, muscle twitches only when I lay down, crawling feeling all over my body, achy joints, burning skin, and fibro fog. The last two days I have...
  6. L

    Hand and foot symptoms?

    Does anyone else experience anything other than just pain in their hands or feet. For the past few weeks I've been experiencing hands and feet that feel hot and stingy but are actually cold to touch. The palms of my hands are extremely sensitive when touching anything. A warm bath helps but my...
  7. S

    difference between fibromyalgia and ms symptoms?!

    hi guys new hear ،i have diagnosed with fibro for almost two years ،recently i googled an found out the ms and fibro are very simillar in symptoms and thats freak me out and im going crazy! :(...plz help :( is anyone who can describe difference symptoms of ms and fibro :( my symptoms are...
  8. T


    Sorry, I know this isn't a pleasant subject to talk about and some of you may feel uncomfortable sharing this information but I hope you will so I can get a better understanding of what is going on with me. Do any of you suffer from IBS and if so what are your symptoms? I feel sick at my...
  9. E

    When I sit it feels like my nerves are being compressed

    When I sit for a MINUTE OR TWO it feels like my nerves get compressed and the sensation in my buttocks and legs changes. I get the same feeling in my shoulder blades when I try to lie on my sides. This started several months ago. The neurologist checked me out but I haven't had a recent MRI yet...
  10. Sarafina

    Hoarse Throat?? Cold Symptoms?

    Hi Everyone, I've been having a hoarse throat and cold symptoms that seem to come and go. I also sneeze alot more. Almost like I have allergies, but I don't. During the same periods, I seem to have a harder time with swallowing. It feels like my throat is "thick" Anyone have on and off...