
  1. R

    Here I am...

    Hello, I just joined this group for the simple fact of being understood. I am in my 30's and have been disabled with fibro & cfs for 5.5 years. I had adverse reactions to fibro meds which led to a movement disorder, as well. I recently have been irritating my teen and husband because I repeat...
  2. Forgetmenot


    I have swallow glads just behind the ears .they go up and down and really give me earache. I no when your Immune system is down this happeneds . Dr told me I'm fighting a virus or something.but I fed up . One day there down next there up .pain one day nothing the next. Anyone else get this?.
  3. T

    i'm beyond tired........

    I was diagnosed about 14 yrs ago with fibro.... my muscle pain has gone from bad to worse over the past 2 yrs..... doing anything around my house takes me all day long... of course there is all the things that ppl say can help but the dr wont give me due to having a heart attack 9 yrs ago..... a...
  4. twiztc

    i had a melt-down!

    Since all the stupid weather and Christmas stress started the weekend before Christmas I have not been in a good way at all. I know i occasionally have flare-ups but this was the mother of them all and it still is with me. I'm normally a very mild mannered person, yes things piss me off but i...
  5. J

    dry mouth

    Hi, I have had fibro for a long time. My Rheumologist put me on a lot of meds and they do help but they have side effects. I have bad dry mouth and I take tablets of Xylemelts to help. I put 3 under my tongue before I go to sleep. It helps because I feel like I can't swallow since my mouth...
  6. B

    hello! need some help please

    my name is shellie im 38 and last oct i had kidney stones again then i got sick in nov i had strep i couldn't get into dr. so i nursed my selfthen i got better and then sick again ended up in the hospital( stupid ohio weather) they said i had pneumonia and copd. they did a horrible job while i...
  7. G

    Sunflower or Seasme OIL

    Long-term use of vitamin E supplements may help protect against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), according to a recent report from the American Journal of Epidemiology. Vitamin E. Vitamin E has attracted significant attention from ALS researchers as a...
  8. G

    Possible als or fibromyalgia opinions please?

    been a while for diagnosed i thought it was MS never heard of ALS untill a posting on MS site lady said possible MS.. but wait and see, ive had twitching since aug or earlier of 10* and has gotton worst, alsoo had lower back spasms which thught i hurt at wrk blew EVRYTHING OFF.. i mean what...
  9. G

    MRI Ok, B12 good, muscle weakness

    Hi, I don't know how to start this, only by asking some questions. I know you guys can't diagnose me or anything, I'm working on things-I just want to know if some of the symptoms I've been having for years are real. I had the muscle twitch test done, and the docs thought I had PLS. I had a lot...
  10. G

    Does anyone share my symptoms?

    I am a 28 year old female and have been living with chronic pain for the past 4 years. I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything other than fibromyalgia. My symptoms would come and go in pretty regular patterns and last for about 4-7 days. No medications helped. I was difficult to...