
  1. MercyL


    One of the few pleasures I have left is watching great comedy. Not the sitcoms that broadcast television networks hype with every new season, but comedy featuring irony, satire, and/or British humor. I like smart comedy, produced with writers understanding that their audience isn't stupid...
  2. W

    Hi Everyone, New here

    Hello Everyone, My name is Ronney, I am 43 and live in Phoenix Az with my husband of 20 years and 2 of my 3 children. (My (almost 26 year old daughter) just moved home and is going through some life changes. And my 17 year old. I was diagnosed by my doctor in 1997, the same year I had my...
  3. M

    Hi from Montreal, Canada

    Hello all! I figured that after all this time spent searching stupid websites and "news articles" written by non-FM people, it was time I started talking to the source. I'm a relatively new diagnosis of FM, having started my journey in January 2009 with routine blood work for joint pain. My...
  4. twiztc


    In my opinion, one of the worst symptoms of this bloody illness. Its the most disruptive,not to mention uncomfortable, painful, nauseating. Its the main thing that can bollocks my hole plan for the day. Today is my day off. I go swimming at 7:30am. I had planned to troll some shops and get some...
  5. candelishis

    Hi! New girl here!

    Hi! I'm new here. I'm a 32 year old single mom of a very precocious almost 4-year old daughter. I work full time at a home health agency office. I was diagnosed with fibro almost 4 years ago, a few months after my daughter was born. I function pretty well, mostly because I have to, to support my...
  6. B

    hello! need some help please

    my name is shellie im 38 and last oct i had kidney stones again then i got sick in nov i had strep i couldn't get into dr. so i nursed my selfthen i got better and then sick again ended up in the hospital( stupid ohio weather) they said i had pneumonia and copd. they did a horrible job while i...
  7. K

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired

    .Hi my names Katie, I'm new to this so bare with me....* back in 2010 I was rear ended by a bad driver... I was on the highway going 65 and she was doing 85+.... That's when the pain in my neck, low back, and shoulder started... Then in 2011 I was rear ended again, this time I was at a dead stop...
  8. K

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Hi my names Katie, I'm new to this so bare with me.... back in 2010 I was rear ended by a bad driver... I was on the highway going 65 and she was doing 85+.... TThat's when the pain in my neck, low back, and shoulder started... Then in 2011 I was rear ended again, this time I was at a...
  9. D

    Long Car Rides

    I have a 10 hour long car ride tomorrow that I am dreading. As much as being physical and moving hurts me, so does just sitting in that stupid car. ha. My boyfriend and kids and I are going to visit my parents, so it's a super exciting reason to make the drive, I just am not looking forward...
  10. G

    To Help others understand Fibro

    My friend gave me this to print out and give to people thought I would share it with you Hello Family, Friends, and Anyone Wishing to Know Me! How do I explain this to you my family and friends? This is very difficult to do as my illness is "unseen." So allow me to begin by thanking you for...