
  1. Tipnatee N

    Hello, I'm new here too , living drug free with FM nice to meet you all!

    Of course it's not that I want to live drug free with fibromyalgia, but I'm broke and now homeless too lol what can I say , gotta stay optimistic somehow right? :wink: I did most research on supplements, food, and lifestyle. Sometime I gets good days sometimes I don't ( some are pretty bad) ...
  2. Sagey

    OMG Found Great Letter!!! Explains Fibro

    "The Fibromyalgia Letter" "The Fibromyalgia Letter" Hello Family, Friends, and Anyone Wishing to Know Me! How do I explain this to you my family and friends? This is very difficult to do as my illness is "unseen." So allow me to begin by thanking you for taking the time out of your day to...
  3. S

    stress and pain and lack of medication

    Those of us with fibro all know that stress aggravates this condition. I had a really strong example of that yesterday. Had to do my taxes, which is always a highly stressful thing for me. First, anything having to do with numbers and money has always stressed me; I know that's silly, but it...
  4. Forgetmenot

    Employment and support allowance

    So it's been a year since I got employment and support allowance. And I have had to fill in another great big book.and I need a face to face again. Where I shall have to do all sorts of stupid things I can't do,to prove I can't hold down a job. It's so stressful I'm in a lot of pain.and it's...
  5. D

    temperature issues?

    Hey guys! i've been wondering about this for a while now but have always thought i'd sound stupid to bring it up.. so never have. i've noticed that my body doesn't seem to regulate temperature very well. I'm always either hot or cold, sometimes both. It can be 70 degrees outside and i'll still...
  6. vickythecat

    Found a way to be taken seriously by doctors

    I am sure we have all been there - been to a doctor who would not take our complaints seriously. Giving us advice such as 'exercise more, eat more, get out more, do things you like more. it could be depression, take it easy' etc etc etc. It is the one thing we do not need when we are already...
  7. T

    Stressed out

    Well today was the day from hell. I don't even know where to begin. I guess what lead to today being hell actually started yesterday morning. My husband decided he was going to make something using the food processor. Mind you this was at 5:30 in the morning. I didn't get to sleep until...
  8. T


    Again, I know this isn't the forum for this type of thing but I need to vent and it does play into my health problems. I won't go into all the details because I would have to write a novel. The gist of it is this. Several years ago my brother in law (my husbands brother) got into a fight with...
  9. Forgetmenot

    Legs .

    I no I've said this before .infact there was quite a thread on it. But my legs are stupid with pain.and it's getting to me alittle. So instead of sitting here moaning ,I'm going to ask for some tips .we can share.. I don't have a bath sadly. The one thing that would work is an axe ,in don't have...
  10. T

    I feel stupid , embarassed and alone with fibro

    I was recently diagnosed with FM back in March. This has been about a 3 year process and I'm still not convinced. Three years ago I started having some pain and discomfort in the front and back of neck. Soon after I started having back spasms and they would cause me to be on the couch for a day...