
  1. D

    My Letter to Fibro

    Dear Fibro, You came into my life unexpectedly, unannounced, and have set up camp indefinitely without my approval. I didn’t even know something like you existed, that I could ever share my life permanently, so early on with something so mysterious and uncurable. You took away my job, stunted...
  2. Zolisindigo

    Morning stiffness:what I do to avoid it

    Be sure to get ample deep sleep so your body can repair and recharge,be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back, as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine. If your room is drafty, seal the windows or door. If it is cold, try a space heater or use extra...
  3. C

    how to help a family member with fibromyalgia

    I have found that there are many family members that come to this site looking to find ways to help their family member cope with fibromyalgia. Below you will find some suggestions that will help you. Please try them and come back to our forum and tell use how it helped you and the member of...
  4. C

    Newly diagnosed. I'm not me anymore!

    Hello all! Newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and asthma. I have been a hairdresser for over 20 years, single mother, strong physically and mentally and very independent! I just turned 60 this year and BAM! I am in constant pain from my head to my toes! Lots of headaches, gut...
  5. L

    23 and I feel like my life is over

    last December 2014 I had my neck go out as I was reaching for my purse on the ground, was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't move my neck so I was out of work for a week until it finally started to feel better..which my neck did get better, but the trauma that my body went through with my...
  6. Forgetmenot

    partner and sex

    ok so a boyfriend would be a start lol. But how the hell do u keep a sex life going. If u don't hurt before u sure as hell do after. I'm beginning to feel maybe staying alone for the rest of my life maybe a lot more simple then trying to find someone who understand my limits .and understands we...
  7. A

    Fibro and exercise. Doable?

    Hello. I am a fitness instructor and avid runner. After spending the last few years exhausted, in pain, headaches,doctor appointments every week I was diagnosed with fibro. I was currently taking a break from working out to heal pain in my legs I thought were stress fractures from a half...
  8. PythonPlay3

    So Tired of the PAIN!

    My life has come down to managing pain. That is what I do- don't walk too much or my ankle hurts, don't sit too much-my hip will hurt. Right now I have a flare up with my right ankle that is so painful I am literally crying at my desk at work. I have to go to the bathroom, but I just can't stand...
  9. L

    *Insert Engaging Title To Lure Respondents Here*

    Well, now that you have been sufficiently lured (and oh the laugh I will have at myself if this comes to nothing but lonesome tumble weeds and errant dust devils), please endure this merciless onslaught of words and show yourself to be the steadfast victor by sharing your thoughts. This is my...
  10. D

    Balancing work and fibromyalgia

    I am a newbie to fibromyalgia. I am curious how people balance work with fibromyalgia. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia last May - I think I was lucky and got diagnosed within 6 months of symptoms, so I really have just a short experience of living with it. I told my boss and a few...