
  1. K

    Young mum in need of help

    I have two beautiful children (4 and 2) After my second child was born (both csections) I started getting awful pain in my right lower abdomen, sometimes what felt like cervical twinges. I ignored it for awhile thinking it was just my body adjusting to having children. I went back to work and...
  2. C

    fibro or drug addiction?

    I would like to know if anyone has ever gone through these things. My father has been different for years. After a confrontation with him a few weeks ago in front of my three young children, I noticed his eyes were glossy and he was slurring his speech more than usual. Our entire family has...
  3. L

    Urgent Lyrica Question!

    I'm 18 and I was just diagnosed with FM and CFS on July 30th. My rheum started me on Lyrica Thursday night, and today I was reading about side effects. First off, I'm seeing that most people expereince side effects before the drug starts working. That's horrifying, to be frank, but not as...
  4. Ryan88

    Writing therapy

    One of the things I do when my symptoms are really bad is write. I write how I am feeling, mostly, but sometimes I write about good times I've had or the blessings in my life, and often I'll try to put my thoughts into songs or poems. It's very therapeutic for me, and I would recommend it as a...
  5. Trellum

    Body coordination

    I've noticed that my body coordination has always been bad, but it has gotten way worse in the last years! I also have balance issues, sometimes I have to grab onto something or someone if I don't want to fall on the floor! But I'd say my coordination issues are worse, not only body-wise... I...
  6. T

    confusion with words

    I am very lucky because I am a writer. I can work at home, I can stop when I'm tired or in pain, I can go to the bathroom without a whole office of people seeing the way pain makes me walk. If I have a good day at the weekend I can work at the weekend. But I do find writing difficult because...
  7. G

    Am I being silly?!

    Hi folks. I have been experiencing various symptoms for a long time now and am one step away from a diagnosis of M.E. I have seen a neurologist, rheumatologist and M.E. specialist. Everyone seems to think I have M.E. I'm worried it could be something else, like ALS, and I wondered if you could...
  8. G

    pain & spasticity in throat.

    Hi, Does anyone struggle with severe pain and stiffness in their throat? I’ve had intense pain in throat area for more than 2 years. It’s a stiff cramping pain and it’s relentless! Is it spasticity gone amok? I’m more than 4 years in, classified as UMN syndrome. Pain, spasticity, difficulty...
  9. G

    Scared and weak.

    Hi everyone. I've had emg's in the past and have come back successful. I have another one on Aug 24 2010. I don't know what is happening to my body as I thought I was making head way and gaining more energy. I've had muscle weakness for awhile but not to the point that I couldn't lift anything...