
  1. G

    gwen luenberger

    :wink::wink:I just joined the group tonight. I just wanted to say hello to all. The group sounds fun. hope to post more later
  2. MercyL

    Snap, Crackle, Pop: Scary Sounds in Bad Places

    There are days and even weeks where moving my head sounds like someone firing a rifle. I can feel the vertebrae shifting in the back of my throat. My doctor does not seem all that worried, but it is scary, just the same. Every once in a while my husband gets this horrified look on his face...
  3. S

    Hello from Southern Illinos!

    Hello all! I found this site looking for some advice about my fibro before taking a long road trip next week. I was diagnosed in 2009 when I was 29 years old shortly after having my second child. I had been decorating my christmas tree and for a week afterwards, my entire body hurt. I realized...
  4. A

    A few questions.

    Hello all, About 10 months ago I had some health problems crop up. I was hospitalized for a bout of afib, I was released and put on Atenolol to help prevent reoccurrence. About a month later I found out that my wife was pregnant shortly after that I had a bout of tremoring in my left arm, I did...
  5. 1sweed

    Migraine Headaches & Fibromyalgia

    I think for anyone who has fibro, the severe headaches can be scarier than the muscle pain. Often the medications used for migraine headaches has limited success and are difficult to take when one gets nausea with the headache. Laying in a dark room with cold compresses sometimes helps to...
  6. G

    Ruling out fibro

    HI Robyn No worries--choking once isn't a concern. Everyone chokes once in a while--everyone. Something starts to go down the trache instead of the esophagus, and our body naturally tires to eject it. Sounds like your body did what it is supposed to do. Sounds like you had a real rough...
  7. G

    Fibromyalgia versus ALS

    In response to a post: Your newest batch of symptoms sound more like fibromyalgia than anything else. ALS isn't going to cause pain in early stages. LOSS OF USE is what usually sends those with ALS to the doctor. They suddenly can't do something--for me, it was I couldn't push the buttons to...
  8. G

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and diagnosis

    Your white blood count points to some issue. You need to have a complete work-up. White count usually means some type of infection. It's even possible you've got some infection causing your muscle issues, actually. Most doctors don't do a complete work-up, the simply do the basics such as...
  9. G

    Scared Help Please!

    Ok. Here is my story. I came here last year scared and concerned about widespread twitching. I went to the neuro in July 2010 and I had 3 visits with him from July to September. He only did an EMG of my arms at this time. I have always had pulse twitching. Meaning heart beat twitching. It...
  10. G


    I really need some help! My GP is useless (I am in the process of getting a second opinion). Sorry if this whole list reads like a novel but I need some objective answers from the real people that know and can point me in the direction I need to go, whether that be a neurologist (dr wont refer...
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