
  1. S


    Apparently this is where I post first, to say hello. Sorry for the long post. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few weeks ago, but have no doubt that I have had it for years, as I have had chronic pain and other symptoms for a long time. The GP was finally willing to send me to some...
  2. M

    Added anger, bad vibes, and negativity.

    Its official for me. The above affects ME terribly. Ill give an example. Yesterday I was in the company of 2 men bickering with each other. To make a long story short, I should of excused myself and walked out of the room. The next thing I knew.......I was in an all out war with anxiety and...
  3. W

    New here and so totally miserable

    Hi, I'm in Sarasota, Fl, but originally from Iowa. Been is Sarasota 5 years now. I see there's another new member from Sarasota also. I'm 55 and was told I have fibro back in my mid twenties. No treatment or anything given or suggested at that time. For many years the symptoms where manageable...
  4. T

    This is hell

    So I know I probably shouldn't do this without doctor supervision but I am pretty sure he would have me do it the same way as I am doing it. I decided that I am sick to death of taking so many medications in a day. I was taking 31 pills a day and just decided enough is enough so I decided to...
  5. MaggyBunny

    Scents and smells causing flares of pain

    My coworkers have been increasingly inundating the bathrooms with scents and sprays and now have put in automatic spays that go off every 10 minutes... (it doesn't help that my office is right next to the restrooms and I'm one of the only ones that doesn't have a door to their office) the...
  6. M

    Frustration with Doctors

    I just saw my GP for a follow-up, because the amitriptyline I was taking was not helping my pain or fatigue at all. She repeatedly questioned "my mood" and I'm so damn sick of her insinuating that this is all caused by depression. When I'm having a good day/days my mood is perfectly fine. When...
  7. H

    New user

    Hi! I am new to the forum. I have fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis, migraines, endometriosis, essential tremor, asthma, allergies and Gastroparesis. I have been significantly sick for twenty years, and I am very thankful for my doctors and medicines and my family, but I guess I am looking...
  8. D

    Spousal illnesses

    New to the forum. Need help with coping. Marriage in dire straights... I'm having a hard time after 10+ years of my wife being ill. She can't and does nothing but put all her energy into her daily work schedule to get through a day. Which leaves her no energy to put into our marriage. 10 + yrs...
  9. B

    Medical Marijuana

    Hi, I'm am new to this forum but not to Fibro. I also have Lupus and ITP. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've been researching medical marijuana and it looks like people are having good results. I'm from NY. Is anyone here from the NY area trying it for pain and fatigue ? TIA...
  10. Forgetmenot

    Sick of pills

    So here we are,I'm fed up of more pills to cure the problems of the pills I already have. I take tramadol.amitripoline ,gabbipintin .a gastro pill and paracetamol .now due to one of my meds I'm now on beta blockers as my heart beat is all over the place. Where the bloody hell does it end. I was...