
  1. S

    here we go again

    oh goody went to bed feeling pretty good not hurting too bad. woke up at 1:30am and am still up. Back pain is intense heating pad stop working so I got my "rice sock" out put it in microwave and put it on back or wherever, Just sick of not being able to get decent sleep. Any suggestions. Im...
  2. T

    Think I may have fibromyalgia

    I've always been shy, have had depression since probably middle school. Always was getting sick when I was younger and even now seem to be moderately sick a good deal. My shoulders and neck always feel very tense and I get a lot of migraines. I have stomach issues (something maybe IBS related?)...
  3. cstine

    New member in Tampa

    Hi all! I have felt so ALONE in the world lately so thought I would check into a forum... have been reading posts for the last 2 or 3 days and think i finally found people who "get me"! :) I have always had a bad immune system and have always been sick with this or that.... I was always...
  4. A

    New to the forum (UK)

    Hi there. I just joined today after finally getting a bit peeved about my fibro. I was diagnosed last year, but have pretty much had many symptoms for a long time prior to that, like most sufferers. I find I can (mostly) manage the everyday pain in my legs since I was prescribed with Gabapentin...
  5. D

    Can't sleep

    Can't sleep....3am in the UK. Third night awake almost all night. Got lots on my mind. Not making progress. Taking antibiotiocs but after a week am worse. Phoned Doc to speak to her but she didn't ring back and now she's not in until Wednesday. I wanted a swob test for accurate diagnosis not...
  6. P

    Loss of support from family and friends

    [INDENT]Hello ... I'm PhillyFibro, and have had FMS for nearly 30 years. It was like a bad nightmare for 7 years before I was diagnosed in 1994. OK, so I wasn't a nut job, there's a real illness here. I believed knowing what was happening would be a giant help. But it took years to find...
  7. M

    weaning off cymbalta

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia few years ago. My doctor told me to take Savella, that didn't help me at all. So the doctor prescribed Lyrica, and that didn't help me either, I got sick from taking that medication. The last thing he told me to take was cymbalta 60 mg, once daily, and it...
  8. Devilstompa

    Fibromyalgia Pain & Jobs

    This year I had to quit my job due to extreme pain. I couldn't keep up with the day to day work. Would have to call in sick just to recover from the day before. What happens when you unable to keep up in life due to fibromyalgia? Its like no one gets it leaves me very angry and depressed It...
  9. X

    Fibro? Or something else?

    Hi all! 28 male Australia here with some questions. I had an upper respiratory infection about 6 weeks ago (still have a cough) however iv had some really odd symptoms that I think might be fibro. - constant body aches, mostly quick sharp pains in joints and muscles - increase of anxiety...
  10. E

    Hi Everyone...

    Hello, I just googled and found this forum and thought I would give it a try. I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2003 and honestly I feel like I have been through every..(oops brain-fog moment)..Oh yeah, every symptom that comes along with having fibromyalgia. I look forward to meeting some awesome...