
  1. G

    Not sure where to go from here

    Hey Everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this. Details: 30 year old male, decent shape, husband, father. I've had ongoing health issues for the past 2 years. Started with GI issues- moved to lightheadedness/imbalance, now I'm dealing with body wide twitches and right arm (especially...
  2. G

    Does Fibromyalgia have any relation or commonalities with ALS?

    Please explain whether ALS can mimic Fibromyalgia? I'm just wondering and hoping to gain insight. I know before my husband was diagnosed with ALS he wondered if he had Fibromyalgia. Also, I've read that ALS patients usually don't have pain, but he does have neck, shoulder, back. He even had...
  3. G

    Alone and lost

    Let me begin by apologizing. My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over, making it difficult to follow my thought patterns. Please be patient with me. I'm a 44 yr old single mother of 2 wonderful young men aged 23 and 18, both live at home with me. I stopped working almost 4 years ago, and...
  4. G

    Wondering about progressive symptoms

    I am asking on behalf of my wife and would sincerely appreciate input. My wife is 35 years old and has been experiencing some slowly progressive symptoms that has had me concerned. She has experienced symptoms of restless legs syndrome in the past. She also sees a rheumotologist for...
  5. G

    increased repetitive potentials/ALS?

    Hi-- I have been diagnosed with NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) as well as polyendocrine dysfunction and an undetermined autoimmune disease that is sjogrens like and lupus like, and have severe spinal degeneration, osteophytes, canal stenosis, herniated disks and scoliosis throughout the...