
  1. V

    Trying to find answers

    I hope you will read my story and give me your opinion. I am at the end of my rope. I am an almost 40 year old female. In the past 4 years, I have been diagnosed with IBS-D, TMJ, and anxiety problems (GAD and panic attacks). 7 months ago, I started having lots of pain under my ribs. It would...
  2. P

    Do you feel like you have a cold, sore throat, slight fever with fibromyalgia?

    Hi...I am just looking for answers regarding these other symptoms that do not go away. Yes I have the aching all over, ribs hurt, hurts to breathe deep but I am worried these other flu like symptoms could be something else. Is it normal to have flu like symptoms? Best wishes to all!
  3. A

    Providers keep suggesting I might have fibro

    Hello everyone, I am very glad to have found this forum. I have been dealing with chronic pain and other issues for approximately 9 months now, pursuing treatment and diagnosis for four months. I have a lot of stress-related health issues that I was seeking treatment for prior to the emergence...
  4. S

    I dont know what to say ? :(

    So my chiro said i have fibro. I ha e been to soooo many rhemos and orthos and the last rhemos i went to said this exactly " If ur still in pain this time next year, its most likely fibro" ..he suggested excercise and less sugar. so here i am. Feeling happy but sad. i have all over joint...
  5. M

    Greetings Earthings!

    After nearly 20 years of having fibro, I figured I needed some fellow support. Since no one in my family knows what it's like, it's hard for them to understand, as you all well know. A little background. I have been married nearly 22 years and have three children - 20, 19, and 16. I'm also a...
  6. P

    20, chronic pain - what does it sound like to YOU?

    Hi! Let me be another one of those people coming in here panicking about how they think they have fibromyalgia ;P I am 20 years old. I've had chronic pelvic pain since I was about 16 (chalked up to my polycystic ovarian syndrome, despite the fact that I've had ultrasounds, pelvic exams and even...
  7. J

    3+ years of strange symptoms - could this be Fibromyalgia?

    Hello all, I am a 29 year old MALE and new to this site and this is my first post. In fact, I have hovered around various forums for the last 3 years or so without ever posting anything but I have finally decided to break my silence. I am not expecting someone to be able to tell me if I have...
  8. A

    My first post

    I've had a rough winter, my fibromyalgia and lupus seem to only be getting worse. I've had symptoms since I was 9, but I wasn't diagnosed until age 22. Having a diagnosis is bitter sweet. I have proof that it's not in my head and I'm not overreacting, but it also means that this isn't going to...
  9. A

    24yrs old and in pain, help!

    Hi guys, I am 24yrs old and I started having throbbing pain, weakness and tingles in my right hand. I guessed it was carpal tunnel. I would actually drop things because of the weakness in my hand. I have had TMJ for 2 yrs now, bursitis in my shoulder, weak ribs, really bad migraines and really...
  10. D

    I just can't take it anymore!

    I just can't take it anymore! Last week out of nowhere, the pain across my upper back was so bad it hurt to breathe because the trigger points were so bad. This was in addition to all the trigger points in my lower back and hips. For 2 days I got absolutely no sleep, so i found a place for a...