
  1. C

    Do you think I might have Fibro?

    Hi – new to forum. Wondering if anyone thinks this sounds like Fibro. It has been suggested by a doctor in the past but no one has ever addressed it further. I am 51, female, and in generally good health. I do have irritable bowel syndrome - have had it for 30 years. It presents with bad...
  2. S

    Diagnosed Today (this is long - sorry)

    This turned out a lot longer than I intended. TLDR: After many years of chronic pain I'm adding Fibro to my growing list of medical problems. Went to see my Rheum today for my three-month checkup, she said my most recent pain is a Fibromyalgia flare-up and that we will treat me going forward...
  3. L

    Weird hand jerks

    I've not posted in a while, it's been a bit hectic at home and work. Does anyone else have jerks in their hands when using them? If I'm typing at work or like just now writing this message on my iPad my hand involuntarily jerks and makes me click on this I'm meaning to or hit the wrong letters...
  4. C

    Diagnosed 2 months ago. Blah

    Hi All, I've been lurking on this forum for about 2 months now and finally decided to post! Here's my story: I am a 40yo woman in very good physical condition. I played a full contact sport for about 6 years (ages 26-30ish) before quitting because I was in constant pain. I want to stay...
  5. S

    Switching from cymbalta to amitriptyline ...please help

    Hello everyone, This is my first post here, I'll make it quick for you to read so I hope someone can share/help with what's happening to me right now. Really quickly : I'm switching my long term medication ( cymbalta 8 years) to amitriptyline very low dose (I can't translate in mg cause I'm...
  6. VanGogh


    Hmm, we can't reach this page. Try this Make sure you’ve got the right web address: Help with Fibromyalgia | Forum and Support Group Refresh the page Search for what you want This is not exactly what I was seeing but what I was seeing and copied is not what is here now. In other words I've been...
  7. C

    Newly-diagnosed & trying to adjust...

    Hi everyone, I was just diagnosed on 6/16/17 after having symptoms for at least several years. While it was good to finally find out what is wrong, it's also turned my life upside down a bit. I had been "dealing" with my health issues by using all of my energy to get to work during the week...
  8. VanGogh

    Elusiveness of it all....

    I read this on Women's Health Although the causes of fibromyalgia are not known, several factors may be involved in its development; these include traumatic events or accidents, repetitive injuries, illness, and certain diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and spinal arthritis). The...
  9. VanGogh

    New and searching for info....

    My massage therapist was the first to mention the possibility that Fibro may be what is causing my pain and tightness in my muscles. Ironically, I went to massage school some years ago and we were schooled a little about "WOMEN" with Fibro. One of the male instructors went so far to say that...
  10. T

    HELP finding a doctor

    Hello, I was hoping someone could guide me in the direction of a doctor who could give me a second opinion or confirm my fibromyalgia diagnosis. I am in the Hampton roads area of Virginia. The reason is My neurologist sent me to a rheumatologist to diagnose me and after leaving her office...