
  1. T

    Hello Everyone !

    Hello people ! So recently I have had some really bad symptoms much that describe FM. So I started a new job in April and I was very content for a good month till I noticed some "invisible pain" on my upper back. It felt prickling and I decided to continue to ignore it. After a hellish 3 months...
  2. N

    hey guys

    Hey guys. I am new to the group and would just like to tell you a bit about me. I am a young momma of two wonderful little guys 2 & 7. I have been married for almost 4 years. I am currently working as a server in a bar until I finish my schooling for funeral services. I am just going through...
  3. H

    I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Hi Everyone, I am a life and health coach and was diagnosed with fibro about 4 weeks ago. I also have a full-time job and am on short term disability. My short term disability was suspended because I was told my fibro symptoms are all subjective and not objective. So now I am not getting...
  4. S

    Hello from Edmonton

    Hello everyone, Nice to find a forum of this kind. For so many years I thought I was going it alone, trying to resolve this condition. When I was diagnosed there wasn't much material out there about it. Since that was in 1988 there wasn't much of an internet to look things up or share ideas like...
  5. L

    Progesterone therapy for treatment of fibromyalgia.

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia one year ago. I have tried everything from homeopathy, alternative medicine, with no real reduction in pain and improvement in sleep quality... I refused to take anti depressants, prescribed by my rheumatologist.. I had almost given up hope until I...
  6. R

    Hello My New Fibro Family.

    I have not been well for years wondering how I could possibly have so many things wrong with me and not be dying or have a diagnosis. And I am known to have a high pain tolerance as it is. My family Dr has pre-diagnosed me but I am still waiting on a waiting list here in Winnipeg MR to get in to...
  7. Lana

    Fibo and connective Tissue

    Does anyone have Fibromyalgia and connective tissue disease? My Rheumatologist said I my have connective tissue as well. He said we just have to wait for any new symptoms. I'm a little worried.:(
  8. Lana

    feeling ill

    Hi everyone, just a question I would like to know. Does any of you get a really ill feeling if you work around the house? I get really sick when I do any work or on a hot day. I also get the flu or a cold easy and stay sick longer then anyone else in my family. When they get sick I panic because...
  9. W

    Body Conducts too much Electricity - Fibro?

    Hi All, I have been diagnosed with fibro for a while. More recently, my Rheumatologist recommended I go see a neurologist just to rule any possible neurological issues out. My Neurologist had me take an EMG. If you don't know what an EMG is, it is a two-part test. First, they hook...
  10. S


    Hi everyone, I've just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few days ago. I'm 24 and more than a little overwhelmed by all of this. My pain started 4 months ago and have gotten progressively worse since then. Luckily, I have a great doc. who recognized the signs right away so I can start...