
  1. D

    Pain Question

    Hi Everyone- I am new to the site. I have a question regarding my pain. I have read all I can find on fibromyalgia and it all describes "generalized pain". However, I have what I call my "traveling pain". Two weeks ago my feet were killing me, it hurt to walk. Last week it was my chest. The last...
  2. A

    My FM

    In 1983 I was diagnosed with 'Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder'. I had some pain, but had extreme fatigue. IN 1990, at age 43, I had a 'flare up' and saw a rheumatologist who diagnosed FM. What a relief to finally have a definitive diagnosis! All these years I have had occasional flare-ups...
  3. C

    So what's next?

    Hi all. Diagnosed a week ago with fibro and OA. Rheumatologist who I waited a year to see. I currently take diclofenac 50mg x2 day it work fairly well. Told him it was hard on my stomach. He said there is other stuff you can take see your dr. Gee thanks for the tip! I know I sound sarcastic...
  4. C

    Hi from Canada!

    New to this site. Just diagnosed with fibro. Waited a year to see a rheumatologist he said nope you don't have RA or Lupus you have fibromyalgia and OA I will write a letter to your gp. That's it. Ok gee thanks for the diagnosis and treatment plan. I'm sure you all see my sarcasm. Lol. So I...
  5. W

    Could my mystery illness be Fibromyalgia?

    WlkrdudeNew Member Hello everyone. I am new here! Please bare with me as this will be a long post, but hopefully you guys could enlighten me as to whether this prolonged mystery illness I have could in fact be Fibromyalgia. To begin I am a formerly healthy 30 year old man, 5'11'' and 150ish...
  6. H

    New Diagnosis of Ongoing Pain

    Hi all! I guess I fall into the category of "recently diagnosed." The condition is not recent though. I have been suffering from fatigue, pain, restless legs and cognitive symptoms for a couple years now. Recently, I had the opportunity to see a rheumatologist who suggested that it was...
  7. Getemgirl


    I have been on Naproxen 500 mg since late March and it has been working pretty well. My rheumatologist and primary care doc were in a pissing match over who would authorize a refill. They have given me 3 months, so I will have to start researching a new med. I have been in a fibromyalgia study...
  8. K

    New here with questions

    Hello, I was diagnosed a year ago and my rheumatologist is not much help. I have read that medical marijuana is thought to help with fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, I live in a very small town and my doctor is "old school" and told me he would have no problem sending my records to a different...
  9. M

    What is wrong

    Hi everyone, I'm melinda and I was told last month that I have fibro, but I think I have had it for yrs. On August 15 I woke up with the worse sore throat of my life. I could not swallow water, so I went to doc and tested negative for strep I was told I had viral pharyngitis. In a few days...
  10. D

    I think I have FM, but MD has not diagnosed

    I started having pain back in 2011 after I began a part-time job that was more physical than I had performed before. I was just into my 40s, so not a good idea I guess since all my jobs had been sedentary before. I was in decent shape though and it was just part-time, so I didn't think...