
  1. C

    Not sure if I have fibro but feel like it is...

    I have periods of time where I have no pain. But then I have periods of time where it hurts to touch parts of my body. Like it feels like my bones hurt. I also get very tired. I went to a rheumatologist and at the time was not having flare up symptoms. She checked the pressure point areas and...
  2. O

    Who to believe?

    I was seen at one of the top hospitals in the US for my symptoms. I saw a rheumatologist, neurologist, infectious disease doctor, allergist, GI, and the pain clinic. I got what I like to call a 'non-diagnosis' of fibromyalgia. I tried a few medications that did more harm then good...
  3. K

    New to forum, feeling down and out by Chronic Pain

    Hello, I am a new member and wanted to share how and why I need support right now. I have lived with Severe Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for over almost 12 yrs. I don't know if others have progressed but both my illnesses have. Furthermore, for over the past year I have had the worst...
  4. F

    Referred to Rheumatologist

    At first my doctor thought I had anxiety, but a few months went by and the pain/aching has set in. He did a tender point test and some places didn't bother me but he barely pressed down. Other spots felt like sore/tender muscles. He did bloodwork, testing for a long list of things and it all...
  5. F

    Is it just fibromyalgia?!?

    I have been recently diagnosed and just wondered, is it ever just fibromyalgia? I've read many articles, blogs, and patient forums. It appears that fibromyalgia isn't a singular illness. The majority seem to have other health issues affecting them along with fibromyalgia. It makes me wonder...
  6. V

    Signs? Runs in family. Please help.

    Hey everyone. So my grandmother had fibro and I think my mother may as well. I've been researching some symptoms of fibro and have found a lot that march what I've been dealing with for 8 years, but doctors don't want to listen to me. I have widespread pain across my whole body, I have...
  7. T

    Newly Diagnosed :(

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  8. T

    Hello Everyone

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  9. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  10. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...