
  1. V

    Newly diagnosed

    Though I've been having increasing pain (and other symptoms) over the last couple of years, I was only diagnosed with fibromyalgia last week. My rheumatologist also thinks I have Sjorgren's syndrome or some other autoimmune condition (maybe lupus). I just had blood work done today. On one hand...
  2. K

    Diagnosed yesterday

    Hi,, I'm Kitty Firstly I'll apologise in advance - I am not very computer savvy, I have no clue if I'm posting this correctly or not! Yesterday the Rheumatologist said I had CFS and developing fibromyalgia. When I saw him 6 months ago I had a couple of the Fibro pressure points, yesterday I had...
  3. T

    I must be cursed

    Well I went to my psychiatrist yesterday and he told me he is quitting his practice and moving to a different state. He at least referred me to someone else. This is the 4th doctor in a year that has left their practice. My rheumatologist left about a year ago, the doctor who was treating me...
  4. T

    Pain management doctor

    Ok, I live close to Springfield, Il. It is a town on 117,000 residents. I looked up fibromyalgia doctors in this area and found about 10. I called each of them and was told they were no longer working at that facility. I looked up pain management doctors and could find none. I called my...
  5. N

    New to forum, not so new to fm

    Hi, I am new to this forum, and so very happy to have found it. I am a 40 year old mother of 3. I had been diagnosed over 10 years ago by a rheumatologist; however, my primary had me convinced for years that it was a disease that doctors had made up. That they just came up with a name for...
  6. S

    Finding Rheummys

    Just wanted to put this out there, since I see threads from people looking for a specialist and/or rheumatologist in their area. You may want to considering looking into doctors that are affiliated or work strictly at teaching hospitals. I find that often they have long tenure and have seen a...
  7. V

    Introduction - new to forum and diagosed

    I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm 50 years old and have suffered for many years never knowing what was wrong with me and all my mysterious pain. After the long process of working through and finding the right doctors sympathetic to my suffering, despite nearly perfect blood work...
  8. U

    Fibromyalgia Feeling Like Arthritis?

    Hey everyone, After five long years of trying to get doctors to take me seriously, lots of blood tests to rule out other possibilities, and visits to a good rheumatologist (finally!), I've officially been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I do have what seems to be the "normal" fibro...
  9. L

    Not fibromyalgia after all

    I had my long awaited visit with a rheumatologist today and I was positive she was going to say fibromyalgia. Instead, she said she was confident it was spondyloarthropathy and sent me for some further tests to confirm. I hope I can continue to check in with this group, despite a different...
  10. C

    I need to talk to people that understand me

    Hi Everyone. I'm new. I guess I have fibro. I feel terrible and I don't know what to do. I'm very tired and weak. My family doesn't understand y I'm not doing everything I used to. Most of the time they look at me like they think I'm lazy. My husband gets upset if I stay in bed to long. I'm 45...