
  1. C

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Hi All, I'm Cynthia and I'm from Los Angeles. I'm here because my husband was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in the last couple of weeks. It's somewhat of a relief, as it explains a lot, but we're struggling to find more support for him. Honestly - before his diagnosis I didn't even know...
  2. T

    I must be cursed

    Well I went to my psychiatrist yesterday and he told me he is quitting his practice and moving to a different state. He at least referred me to someone else. This is the 4th doctor in a year that has left their practice. My rheumatologist left about a year ago, the doctor who was treating me...
  3. T

    Pain management doctor

    Ok, I live close to Springfield, Il. It is a town on 117,000 residents. I looked up fibromyalgia doctors in this area and found about 10. I called each of them and was told they were no longer working at that facility. I looked up pain management doctors and could find none. I called my...
  4. S

    Non-Drug Clinical Trials

    I just wanted to make people aware who don't want drugs/don't get relief from drugs that there are current clinical trials for other therapies: yoga, mediation, devices, etc. If you go to the NIH clinical trials database and type in the search bar fibromyalgia and your state, you can see what's...
  5. D

    Kratom: A Fibro Essential

    7 months ago i had never heard of Kratom. After trying a few samples from a friend that vaguely told me about it, i became an avid researcher and epxerimenter. Throughout the internet you will find wildy opposing views about this simple, mostly legal plant. One thing that is for sure is that is...
  6. B

    Meditation for Pain?

    Someone suggested I try meditation for relief of my chronic pain symptoms. They offer one-hour meditation classes at the yoga studio downtown, so I could attend yoga and meditation and only park once. It would help if there were more meditation classes scheduled around town, so I could attend...
  7. E

    hello, thanks for chance to be here

    Joined tonight, with a sigh of relief to have found this group. Hoping tomorrow is better, less isolated feeling. Exhausted but can not sleep, so going to read posts. Talk with you all soon.
  8. P


    Hi everyone:) I was just diagnosed today with Fibro. The main problem I have is the most extreme fatigue you can imagine, no matter how much sleep or rest I get. I find myself becoming so depressed because I can't function normally" that I just don't care about anything that used to matter to...
  9. K

    My disability claim was approved!!!

    What a relief!!! Now I can start to relax a little, start to plan where I go from here! I just wanted to update everyone bc some of you were asking for an update. Thank all of you for your support this far!! It's been so helpful!! You are all amazing people!!! Karen
  10. N

    Feet and Leg Cramps

    Periodically I get severe cramps in my feet (mainly toes) and calves. This happens mostly at night, but toe cramps also occur during the day. Some nights I wake several times tring to walk them off soakin in cold water. Nothing I do seems to help. Does anyone have any suggestions for relief...