
  1. C

    bad times

    Hi, new here. I have been reading posts here. Seems to be a constant thread, pain, Doctors and no one understands. Which is all true. I get dismissed by everyone family friends, medical, work. I didn't ask for this, Had a back injury at work that I just couldn't get a handle on , I was sent to...
  2. K

    Hello, I'm new here

    Hello, My name is Kasey, diagnosed with FM last year after my immune system started attacking my body after a virus and I almost died. I have been having a very hard time dealing with it as I was a very active mom with two daughters, I was training for a marathon when this happened and now I...
  3. S

    Fibromyalgia - a thief in the night

    Fibromyalgia has stolen my life. I have lost my ability to work, then my home and my car during bankruptcy and now my ability to live alone so I sleep in my sisters dining room. In addition to Fibro, I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Extreme Hypothyroidism (thanks to the graves disease...
  4. J

    Doctor's finally listening...

    Hi everyone. My name is Jayelle and I'm new here. As you've guessed, I'm also new to fibro...or at least having a diagnosis. Has anyone else had a hard time just getting a doctor to listen to you? I've been told everything from, "Well, we can't find out what's wrong so we're not going to do...
  5. W

    Hi from Richmond!

    Hi, I'm new here and looking for help in coping with a newly diagnosed Fibromyalgia. I have also been diagnosed with IBS, Ulcers, Diverticulosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and cardiac arrhythmias. Am I leaving anything out? I don't know, but as you can see I'm a hot mess! This severe cold snap has me...
  6. W

    Coping with newly diagnosed fibromyalgia

    Hi, I'm new here and looking for help in coping with a newly diagnosed Fibromyalgia. I have also been diagnosed with IBS, Ulcers, Diverticulosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and cardiac arrhythmias. Am I leaving anything out? I don't know, but as you can see I'm a hot mess! This severe cold snap has me...
  7. S

    justsaying hello

    Hello all, I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, Fibro, Asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and lower back issues! I'm just so frustrated, because for the last year they have been monitoring me for MS as well! I'm tired of being in pain, being tired, dealing with SS waiting on a hearing...
  8. F

    Too many meds ...

    I am sooooo FRUSTRATED I just want to scream from the roof tops. I WANT OUT FROM UNDER ALL THIS CRAP! I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired and I know every person on here understands what I am saying. (She says with tears streaming down her face.) None of these meds work and they...
  9. twiztc

    Our Fibro brains are really fickle

    Not really a rant or anything, just an observation, a query. Now the past couple days I have been in quite a lot of pain. Monday it was getting to me and I was near to tears on and off and when I got home from work I collapsed on the bed exhausted from it all, hoping to go to sleep. I didn't...
  10. M

    New Member..Fibro and the anxiety that comes with it=Frustration!

    Hi Everyone! I'm new here to the forum! Just wanted to say hello..anyone else so over Fibro's random symptoms here and there that make you feel like you are going crazy sometimes?!:roll: I thought I would join the forum and see if anyone has similar feelings that I do as well as symptoms. I am...