
  1. K

    New here with questions

    Hello, I was diagnosed a year ago and my rheumatologist is not much help. I have read that medical marijuana is thought to help with fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, I live in a very small town and my doctor is "old school" and told me he would have no problem sending my records to a different...
  2. F

    Questions regarding my Fibro

    Hello everyone. Maybe I should post in the newbie forum, but I'm not one to talk about myself, really. I've just been diagnosed and have one really pressing question: Can pain show up just...anywhere? :sad: I ask because I keep getting unexplainable random areas of pain. Usually they go...
  3. J

    Do I have Fibro?

    I would like to chat with someone who can compare my symptoms with theirs and answer a few questions I have. When I tell people how I feel I don't think they can relate, so I would like to chat with someone who may understand how I feel and give me their opinion. It would be greatly appreciated...
  4. S

    Hello! new here and some questions about fitness.

    Hello, I'm new to the forums but not new to fibro. I am, however, just starting to try to get into better shape and eat better to try and manage it better and just feel better overall. I've tried regular workout programs and have always ended up quitting because of pain. I just bought the...
  5. J

    Hello from Ottawa, CA

    This is my first post. After years of suffering I finally got the F/CF IBF diagnosis this past January. This disease is life changing to say the very least. I had no idea that it could make me as sick as I have been. Then there was the challenge of convincing people and doctors I was really...
  6. Forgetmenot


    so I went to the job centre , and was told I was on the wrong benefit . Ok I though. Well the lady said u need to try for ESA .reather like pip .or DLA . After finding a good website to see what they ask. I found that as long as u are breathing u can work. There no way I can hold down a full...
  7. L

    New to this Forum

    Hi All ! I have some questions. I have always had a bad back, juist always dealt with the soreness and pain. A few weeks ago, the pain got to the point that I needed to see someone about it. I went to my general Dr. He had bloodwork done and prescribed an anti inflammatory med. The bloodwork...
  8. A

    Hello! New group member

    Hi Everyone- Quick low-down (if possible) Diagnosed with Sjogrens first about 3 yrs ago, but just over 2 yrs ago, I was confirmed diagosis with SLE(LUPUS), Fibro and Raynauds. Anyway, will read through the post as many of my questions porbabaly have been answered on this forum:)
  9. C

    how to help a family member with fibromyalgia

    I have found that there are many family members that come to this site looking to find ways to help their family member cope with fibromyalgia. Below you will find some suggestions that will help you. Please try them and come back to our forum and tell use how it helped you and the member of...
  10. L

    Hey y'all. New here.

    Hey everyone, I was officially diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome but also have some Fibro-like symptoms as well. The process of getting diagnosed was the most agonizing/frustrating experience ever. I was living in this perpetual state of discomfort/pain and no one could hep me or give me...