
  1. M

    Hi there,

    I don't have a diagnosis yet but from searching dr Google I would say I have fibromyalgia. Blood tests have ruled out some things and I'm now waiting to see a neurologist. I have the usual symptoms which came on quite suddenly for me after the stress and over-physical activity of a house move...
  2. K

    Acclimating to a new climate? Rainy?

    Hello - I have been dealing with FMS for many years now. I have typically lived in a dryer state at a higher altitude. I have been priced out of the city where I lived and now have to find a new home. My mother would like me to live closer to her, but the area where she lives is not going to...
  3. L

    Heat, humidity and headaches

    I am a walking human barometer. Another migraine tonight from air pressure change. Grrrr. So, no good sleep tonight which translates into more pain and fatigue tomorrow. Some days are just hard.
  4. L


    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Then after more blood tests, the doctor says I test positive for lupus. Waiting to see specialist now. I am so tired and worn out. I am sore all over. My blood pressure is up and down. My husband has to be tired of me being tired. I cant do anything...
  5. P

    New to Site but NOT New to Fibro or Pain

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... sorry, I could not resist. That is just one of my other conditions rearing its head, StarWarsNerd-itis. Hey, we have to find something to laugh about, right? Anyway, I guess this is my Fibro story... I was always an active kid. I mean, I had my share...
  6. K

    tryna get the hang if member😁

    I'm looking forward to talking to people who have fibromyalgia and are managing it to n extent. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2011 and to now I still haven't been able to deal with it. It frustrates me...makes me depressed..I have anxiety attacks as well. What bothers me is it can't...
  7. L

    how many of us Crack or pop their joints?

    I'm always curious if there is something we all have in common that started the fibromyalgia. You know, have we all been in automobile accidents or have we all gotten too cold at one point. One of the things that I feel might have not been the best for me is always popping my joints. I have done...
  8. S

    Spring hurts

    Spring is a tough time because I'm very sensitive to weather. The barometric pressure changes constantly, the wind is rather constant and extreme, storm systems pass through regularly, and things are beginning to bloom. I'm already feeling loopy from the weather, and it's tough when health...
  9. Z

    Golden Sea Cumber helps fibromyalgia ?

    Hello ! I am 60 years old. I am new to this forum, but unfortunately not new to fibro. I `ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9-10 years ago, but was experiencing all those symptoms for many years before that . I was having pain in the muscles of my legs and arms. Then I start having pain...
  10. G

    Here is my story!

    I am new to the forum and like what I have read so far. I am in a major flare since February (2014) due to a series of stressful events. Within 18 months my husband suffered a heart attack (had 2 stents placed) and also underwent treatment for prostate cancer. (He is doing well currently)...