
  1. G

    Been A While

    :) Well haven't been on here since about June of last year! PLS still my diagnosis but progression hasn't affected me from the waist up. Go often to my neurologist about every 2 months. We've been trying all kinds of meds since Baclofen hits me like a ton of bricks. Takes me off my feet. Have...
  2. G

    feel lost, could this be PLS?

    Hi, i'm 50 yr old woman who has had progressive health problems for 3+ yrs. still, no diagnosed. aaah. before then, very active, athletic, no health problems. earliest symptoms: difficulty remaining standing even for a minute - needed to sit, squat down, bend over, take weight off lower legs...
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    Some UMN Questions if you don't mind

    HI Folks I have a couple of questions. Most of my symptoms (other than my arms) seem to be UMN according to my neuro. I did email her, but wanted to ask those of you with real life experience if this is normal UMN type of thing or something else. My pain levels are increasing quite a bit...
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    Is it PLS?

    Hi there, I really hope that there's someone who can help. I have to be honest and say that until yesterday I had never heard of PLS. I'm afraid it a bit of a long winded story and I hope that you bear with me. I am 47 and live in Australia. I have had so many tests during the past couple of...
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    Misdiagnosed Fibromyalgia by doctor

    Hi Joyce Wow--you have no idea how much like me you sound. They never really found the causes of the blood pressure/heart rate issues for me. Other than the strange rhythms I'd have for no apparent reason. I'm surprised the nitro (I take it, too, for angina) sends my blood pressure through...
  6. G

    PLS ? Just plain weird

    I was thinking today, what a strange condition PLS is. Some people are told they have it, some people are told they " might" have it, others are told they have it, then told they don't. Then there is the bunch of us who are told we possibly have it, but we don't believe it, and the other bunch...
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    ripping good times....

    ...well cannot really call torn ligaments a good time but that is what has taken place in my right thumb from trying to open a jar of spehgetti sauce. I finally went to an orthopedic doc yesterday (yet another specialist to add to my list) and they put me in a fiberglass cast that goes up half...
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    Back Pain, Insomnia, and body temp

    Hi everyone. If you can reply to any of the below symptoms I'd be grateful: I read several past posts about pain. My husbands primary issues are in his legs but he has tremendous lower back pain but refuses pain meds. He is on Baclofin 2 x 10mg three times a day to reduce spasms and cramping...
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    MRI Ok, B12 good, muscle weakness

    Hi, I don't know how to start this, only by asking some questions. I know you guys can't diagnose me or anything, I'm working on things-I just want to know if some of the symptoms I've been having for years are real. I had the muscle twitch test done, and the docs thought I had PLS. I had a lot...
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    Received news that brain MRI was normal

    I'm glad and still frustrated. Of course I still have the UAB appointment with the neuromuscular specialist Dec. 23rd and we are waiting on more bloodwork. I have a couple of questions for anyone: 1. Do doctors rule out the serious stuff first if there are a multitude of symptoms or do they...