
  1. N

    Has anyone had breast reduction/lift with Fibro?

    Hi all, You don't know me. I'm new to the forum. I can't type very long on the computer because of my severe Fibro condition. So, I've mostly been just lurking around. But now I have a question... First, let me say that I have large (36D or DD) breasts and have not been able to wear a bra for...
  2. W

    New Here - Symptoms but No Diagnosis

    I've been in a lot of pain for...forever, it seems. None of my doctors have treated it like it was significant - told me to take Tylenol or Advil and it should improve. It doesn't. I have osteoarthritis and spinal issues, but this pain is not in my joints. I have several spots that are...
  3. Y

    Diagnosed in August

    I guess August isn't super recent. I also had a rough experience like most of us here. At 22, no one believes me that I have fibromyalgia. Even the doctor I saw gave air quotes around this condition. I had symptoms since August of 2017 after a severe upper respiratory infection. I never...
  4. C

    Work Accommodation

    Have a job that requires me to sit, talk, and type all day. It can be very stressful at times. I’m in the processing of requesting a modification to my schedule because my two days off are not back to back and it requires me to work late. I have small children, so I still have to get up early...
  5. K

    I Can't Stay Awake...

    Hello everyone, I've not posted on here for a few years. Such the season has turned into fall, I've not been able to stay up. The longest I can stay up is maybe three hours at a time, then I sleep for hours and hours. I get up and I feel like I've taken a sleeping pill. This is really becoming...
  6. MorgueKitty


    Good day or evening, My name is Morgan (or Morg for short), and I am new to the site. I have been living with fibro symptoms for the last 15 years or so. I started noticing the symptoms when I was about 16. It started with random muscle and joint pain, and then went on to include migraines...
  7. S

    Early signs?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  8. S

    early onset symptoms?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  9. G

    Juvenile Fibromyalgia? Feeling like a liar

    Hi! I'm a 16-year-old Canadian who has been generally healthy with the exemption of anxiety, depression and anemia, but I've been noticing my body has had a lot of non-visible wear and tear. My friend's joke that I'm old as if I stay still for too long I get up groaning like an old man. I've had...
  10. H

    Help and support

    Hi. I'm new to this. I have been diagnosed with M.E and fibromyalgia. I have really low mood and I think I've tried most anti depressants. I'm currently taking amitriptyline 50mg. I tried to go up to 75mg but couldn't tolerate this so had to come down again. I don't really know if it is...