
  1. K

    Most if not all of my Fibro pain was due to Amalgam Fillings!!!

    My pain, confusion, brain fog started around age 13. I didn't realize that I had just had 7-8 filling put in years before from a dishonest dentist( because I really didn't need them). I lived very very difficultly until 3 years ago at age 47 until i had them removed. It took about 6 months to...
  2. B

    Does diet help?

    Do anyone find that excluding gluten, dairy and sugar help your fibro pain? Anyone on the paleo or ketogenic diet? I find that adhering to a strict ketogenic diet does indeed lessen my joint and muscle pain. Not sure about there science behind this, but I do suspect that it's gut related...
  3. M

    Cymbalta and Ginkgo Biloba together.

    Hi All, Been on my phone checking out the benifits of Ginkgo Biloba. According to drug interaction info. on line there is no concern, at least I didn't see any. I'm thinking of starting this with Cymbalta to help with memory and fatigue I'm fighting right now. We stopped at a Walgreens and I...
  4. vickythecat

    Raising Awareness and Taking Action

    Hi, Aren't we all frustrated how time and time again doctors have not taken us seriously? Or how fibromyalgia is not considered serious enough for certain benefits, social help, disability payments, referrals to occupational/physical therapists etc? Or how people around us just see this outer...
  5. Sagey

    Inflammation is involved with Fibromyalgia as per study

    In recent years, researchers have learned a lot about inflammation's possible role in this condition.Although Fibro sufferers don't have the typical swelling of the joints and other areas like other inflammatory diseases have , it still has inflammation in the body. According to the Journal...
  6. A

    Cold, tired, in lots of pain

    Oh man. I am so over it. I can't seem to find a position to lie or sit in that doesn't involve pain at the moment. I don't just have fibro. I also have ankylosing spondylitis and I frequently get what's called nutcracker oesophagus, which is where the oesophageal muscle spasms and cramps and it...
  7. M

    Trying to keep my cool. Pain & Stress

    I have been just whirling around here. At home, cleaning, packing, organizing., writing lists of what to donate, toss , sell. At work trying to leave with good #s for a transfer, jumping through moving hoops at who to phone, email, or just plain do to make it work . Still waiting for yay or...
  8. P

    Is anyone familiar with the drug Savella and has it helped them?

    Hello, my name is Sylvie I have been on Lyrica, Cymbalta and now wondering about Savella? What are the side effects, does one put weight on using that medication? Also does one know of any analsegic pain gel or cream that soothes fibromyalgia?
  9. D

    Drugs that help the most

    We have had a thread about Useless drugs lately. How about anyone chipping in with Drugs that help them for pain and sleep or any other fibro symptoms.
  10. M

    Roller coaster symptoms.

    Hi , I'm just so tired of the never knowing what I'm going to wake up feeling like. June and July are hard months ? Sick of waking up knowing it's going to be a lot of work! Even after taking my medication I'm still not able to think straight for at least 2 hours. Then it gets okay for...