
  1. C

    Saw 2nd Rheumatologist...and even more confused & frustrated

    BLARG! Now that I got that out of my system, I want to first thank you guys for helping me prep for my new rheumatologist. I made notes and she took the time to really talk to me. Well, as well as a doctor can talk to their patients, I guess. Anywho, I guess my real question is about...
  2. R

    Hi- I'm new to the forum:)

    I was diagnosed in spring of 2014 after first trying to eliminate gluten, which helped for a few months and then my pain came back almost worse. I still don't est gluten as I found I do have an intolerance for it and just feel better not having it in my diet. I've been reviewing the forum at...
  3. C

    Pain gets worse

    I moved up my 1st follow up appt one week because pain is bad. The pain in my ribs is finally gone....and just when I thought things were getting better I developed horrible pain on the right side of my neck, shoulder, wrist, and upper back and the heavy fatigue remains. Holy cow, now I...
  4. S

    Shooting head pain - fibromyalgia or something else?

    Hello, I would like to ask if anyone else has experienced this and what it can be. I have a suspected fibromyalgia with my pains migrating from one part of my body to next. For example I would be having needle pin pains in my tights for a couple of weeks, then the pain would stop and move to...
  5. L

    Advice needed

    I am 22 and was diagnosed just over a year ago. I have just begun my final year of college and I am in so much pain and totally exhausted. I have never been this bad before and I don't know what to do I am so frustrated. I am really tried to help myself I started improving my diet and have been...
  6. S

    Dark Place

    Hello Everyone, I need a vent to people who understand what we go through. I've been flaring pretty much the last 3 months due to it being winter where I am. I feel like I am in such a dark place right now, like I'm trying to climb out of a big hole but I just can't get out and keep falling to...
  7. M

    travelling pain

    So I've had weeks and weeks of severe hip that had been keeping me awake at night. I'd gotten it somewhat under control with a combination of TENS heat stretching and muscle rub (a very long bedtime routine), but it was still a daily problem. Then I got a bad chest cold, complete with that...
  8. vickythecat

    Lady Gaga reveals she suffers from fibromyalgia

    There are a number of celebrities who suffer from fibromyalgia (Morgan Freeman, Sinead O'Connor for example), so now Lady Gaga is added to the list. I also read that her documentary on her chronic pain struggles and mental health issues have been chronicled in a documentary which will air soon...
  9. Tipnatee N

    Oh no I can't speak!! , still can think and typing but can't say anything .

    Is it fibro fog or my vocal cord is not fuction correctly? Usually when it comes to communication ability when it comes to my fibro fog , I usually get slur words, can't complete the sentences, lost vocabularies along with my short terms memories lost or just simply lost the reality all together...
  10. L

    No fun no pain!

    Aarrgh! Yet another flare. It started after stress at work. My boss made me interview for a job I had been doing well for 2 years then offered it to someone with 6mths experience compared to my 10 years of experience! It's no wonder I'm stressed out. I then went to a 50th birthday party of a...