
  1. L

    Having terrible pain

    Hello Every one happy I found this website looking forward to learning more about fibromyalgia pain and helping others who have question>
  2. L

    How stupid would this be...

    So I found a 30 day intro to a yoga studio for 30 bucks. Want to sign up. That's a great price. So I'm trying to slowly get back into yoga. They have two studios, one hot, one not. The latter has restorative yoga if anyone knows what that is. Which I plan on partaking in. It's like... yoga for...
  3. Tipnatee N

    2 foolish guys might have experimented temporary fibro symptoms.

    I was watching the TV show called the outrangeous sciences and it showed these 2 foolish men who posted their videos online. 1 man took a bath full of hot chilli pepers sauces , and the other one plastered his face with the toothe paste. :shock: The explanation about the heat burning and...
  4. D


    How does stress and anxiety affect your fibromyalgia. Is it instant pain or a response you feel a while later? Does it cause a significant body wide increase in pain or just small increase short term? Stress is a killer for me ...and pretty instant change. Just wondered how/if it affects...
  5. vickythecat

    Preparing for OB-GYN visit, advice needed

    Hi, I have not been to the ob-gyn in more than 6 years. Before that I had not been to one in 10 years! I've been through a number of different trauma's involving that part of my body, and going to the ob-gyn is something I've simply avoided, mostly due to the anxiety. I guess it is also easy...
  6. L


    So yesterday it was ankle pain so bad it was hard to drive. Today I slept until 3pm and somehow feel like I injured the entire left side of my torsos. I woke up to back pain again despite the muscle relaxers. What will tomorrow be? It seems like a new issue every day. I can hardly keep up...
  7. D

    Burning Pain..desperation

    Not sure how much more i can take of this excruciating burning pain all over my body 24/7. I literally am at screaming point all day and night and barely been out of bed for weeks now. I also have Interstitial Cystitis and vulvodynia....basically burning up in your external and internal lady...
  8. 5

    Has anyone tried Kratom or other alternatives for pain?

    Hello all, I've been using kratom for pain management for a couple years and it is fairly effective. I went into a coma and almost died due to the medications my doctor had me on so I have now swayed to alternative methods. Kratom is in the coffee family and there are many different strains...
  9. C

    Seeing a Pain Specialist / Consultant ??

    Are any of you seeing a Pain Specialist for your Fibromyalgia? My mom is seeing a pain special consultant for different issues, but I see that the Pain Consultants web site also treats Fibromyalgia. Are any of you seeing a Pain specialist? What kind of treatment are you getting? I have...
  10. T

    Diagnosis out of convenience

    *sigh* I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 months ago. I have been dealing with many different symptoms for about 3 years now. My doctors bounced me from one doctor to the next; "everything is fine", "your results are normal", "it's all in your head", "there is nothing else I can do for...