
  1. S

    Diagnosed in 15 and had years of low pain until now, does this sound like fibro?

    I am 25 years old (male) back in 2013-2014 I started having really bad calf and arm pin and had blood tests and a mri done along with a test where they shocked my muscles in my legs, sorry I can’t remember what that was called lol. Everything came back fine except that test where they shocked...
  2. D

    Stress intolerance

    Anyone else have complete intolerance to stress and anxiety. Since i got fibro i go down with a bang as soon as i get overloaded with pressure or stress....and i used to be a person who coped well with high pressure. Now i do everything to avoid anything outside a simple unpressured life. Of...
  3. M

    Hi, from Northern Vancouver Island

    Hi, I am a relatively new member, but must confess I read a lot of posts without commenting. I finally decided to say hi, and ask a question that I have not seen on the forums. Diagnosed 3 years ago, with Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. I see my doctor about every 6 months, as we live 2.5...
  4. M

    Rib pain

    HI GUYS! I have had Rib Pain on 2 seperate occasions. Both times I was straining. I heard a pop, and then the pain.-Problem is I was only doing light work around the house. Both injuries were back to back.Just when I was getting things done :(.
  5. F

    Strange stuff

    After my initial newby thread I was diagnosed in November which seemed too easy after all the things I had read. I ended up getting a second opinion from rhumy. I filled out the standard fibro pain form, however he doesn't like the term Fibromyalgia because it was a trash can term by so many...
  6. M

    Fatigue so bad it's painful

    I'm having quite a long bout of fatigue this time around. Even though being recently diagnosed, I've been dealing with this for years. It feels so great to have a long run of energy that I almost forget I'm sick. Until either the pain or crippling fatigue catches up to me. I can deal with the...
  7. G

    Pregnancy & Fibro - experiences, advice?

    Hi all! I’m new to the forum! I’m Maggie, and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a month before my first pregnancy in 2014. Because of the fact that I was new to both, I wasn’t sure how it affected my pregnancy. I had a rough go of the whole 9 months and had a 28 hour labor followed by an...
  8. iluvbreyers2018

    Recently "officially" diagnosed, hard to find people to talk to.

    Hey there from central Texas. (been in TX since 2006) I've known for a long time something was wrong. :?: I started finally going to a 'pain management' place in 2016 - They couldn't find anything wrong after lots of testing, they told me last Sept 2017 they suspect Fibro - and I just shrugged...
  9. R

    Hello! I'm Rhi and I have Fibro/CFS and diabetes.

    For years, my previous doctor told me that I was exhausted and in pain because I had sleep apnea even though I never once snored or stopped breathing in my sleep. He told me I was overweight and all my pain was because I was too fat. (I don't disagree that my weight was an issue, however at this...
  10. C

    Having a flare & can’t think straight

    I’m having a flare in my left side upper back/neck. It’s like a burning pain and I can’t get comfortable. I didn’t sleep at all last night. I feel panicky and hopeless and i don’t know how to resolve it. I’ve used dry heat and moist heat. I’ve taken Valium and tramadol (not at the same time)...