
  1. D

    Drug testing

    We've been going through some stuff with our kids and because of that, both my husband and I have had to submit to drug testing once a week. Well, today I wasn't able to pee in the cup and I called the social worker to ask her about it. She then went on to inform me that mine have been clean...
  2. S

    My friend has fibro, is broke, on verge of suicide....

    I have a friend. She is 36. She always had nonspecific symptoms, but after she had her gallbladder removed, she started having severe symptoms. They only got worse after she started and stopped a birth control drug called YAZ. She is, for the past four years, constantly in pain...she gets...
  3. J

    Hello from Joanne from Richmond, VA

    Hi new on here and have been rx'd with FMS for almost 20 yrs. Looking to find new doctor in Richmond, VA who will prescribe meds I have been on for years. Currently taking Avinza 30mg so need doctor who will prescribe Opiates.
  4. M

    Saying Hi! "I'm a new member..."

    Although I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for a number of years yet, I also have ankylosing spondylitis which has been focused as spinal arthritis (now defined as D.I.S.H. in some spinal areas) and thus my pain relief has been focused on both as they interact, not specifically on the FM...
  5. T

    Medication Help

    I have FINALLY been Officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last month and my doctor and I are having major issues finding something that helps. I also have Vaso Vagal disorder which aggravates my chronic fatigue, and intermittant tachycardia with an occasional extra heart beat. We have tried...
  6. Z

    Problems with meds

    So my physician and rheumatologist are having some problems finding meds that work. I can not take any opiates (this happened after the fibro started as before i could and it worked for a leg injury i had years ago, and before the fibro for TMJ again without any problems) as they cause the pain...
  7. J

    Lost but back again

    I was on this site fairly often when I first started dealing with having Fibro but then I stopped because I thought I had a handle on the issue. After seeing a PCP, back specialist, sports medicine doc, rheumatologist, 3 psychiatrists, 2 pain management specialists, orthopedists, podiatrist...
  8. K

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired

    .Hi my names Katie, I'm new to this so bare with me....* back in 2010 I was rear ended by a bad driver... I was on the highway going 65 and she was doing 85+.... That's when the pain in my neck, low back, and shoulder started... Then in 2011 I was rear ended again, this time I was at a dead stop...
  9. K

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Hi my names Katie, I'm new to this so bare with me.... back in 2010 I was rear ended by a bad driver... I was on the highway going 65 and she was doing 85+.... TThat's when the pain in my neck, low back, and shoulder started... Then in 2011 I was rear ended again, this time I was at a...