
  1. C

    New and wanting to connect

    I have had symptoms such as a dull aching in my body, especially my arms for years. also fatigue. Finally one doctor diagnosed it as Firbromyalgia. Have been taking Cymbalta since January but I think it has been making me more tired and I noticed I have been sleeping longer. I also think it has...
  2. J

    Restless LEGS AND ARMS

    Hello everyone, I am having terrible restless legs and arms. last night I had to constantly stretch which made it very hard to sleep, My muscles tense up in my calfs. It hurts so bad when this happens. Do any of you have the same issues? If so what helps you?:shock:
  3. K

    Young mum in need of help

    I have two beautiful children (4 and 2) After my second child was born (both csections) I started getting awful pain in my right lower abdomen, sometimes what felt like cervical twinges. I ignored it for awhile thinking it was just my body adjusting to having children. I went back to work and...
  4. F


    Hello everyone. I'm so glad I found this forum. I feel so alone sometimes. I'm not sure where to begin... So, about 5 or 6 years ago I started getting really achy and extremely exhausted. I thought I was just overdoing it.. and then I hurt my knee. It hurt SO bad. Xrays showed a tare and alot of...
  5. S

    Lyrica Effect?

    I was diagnosed with Fibro almost two years ago. I'm sad to say that so far I have only got a little relief from my pain meds like Norco. :(. I was on Gabapentin for maybe a year and it did not do a thing even with increasing the dose. Eventually I started getting migraines. Soon as I stopped...
  6. V

    Symptom or Side Effect?

    Hello all! I am new to this group. Thank you for doing this as I don't feel like I can talk to many people about it without being judged. My Dr. recently diagnosed me with Fibro. I have been miserable for the past 6 months. I am taking a teeny amount of flexeril so I can sleep at night and...
  7. L

    *Insert Engaging Title To Lure Respondents Here*

    Well, now that you have been sufficiently lured (and oh the laugh I will have at myself if this comes to nothing but lonesome tumble weeds and errant dust devils), please endure this merciless onslaught of words and show yourself to be the steadfast victor by sharing your thoughts. This is my...
  8. 7


    I am new to this site, but will share my background info: I had a sweet baby boy 16 months ago and had him via C-section. Not long after that I began having an achey feeling all over my body. At first I though it was due to just having a baby, no sleep etc. I am not one to complain a lot, so...
  9. L


    I was given Gabapentin 100mgs once at night to start. can increase to 300mgs once a night. My Psych NP is hoping it will help me not only with pain/sleep but with anxiety too. I take lorazepam for the anxiety 1.25mgs a day separated in 3 doses. I am wondering what if any effect this drug will...
  10. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...